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He is Favored 7

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And with these ones, the Salvation was treading around in the Land of the Circuit, for he desired not to tread around in the Land of Casters, because the Casters were searching to kill away himself.
And the feast-day of the Casters was near, the Tent-Pitching/Pegging.
"Step over, Show yourself!"
The Brothers of himself therefore said toward himself, "Step over from this side, and lead under into the Land of Casters, so that also the Learners of yourself will look attentively at the Works of yourself whom you are making.
For no one makes anyone within secret, and he is searching within a free/bold one to be himself. If you are making these ones, reveal yourself to the Order."
For neither the brothers of himself were trusting into himself.
Now and Not Yet
Therefore the Salvation is saying to themselves, "The 'Time of Mine' is not yet at hand, but the 'Time of Yours' is at all times ready/standing-by.
The Order is not able to hate yourselves. But Myself it is hating, because myself, I am bearing witness from around himself, that the works of himself are evil ones.
Yourselves climb into the feast. Myself is not climbing into this one, the feast, because my time has not yet been made full."
And he who has spoken these ones himself,75c he abode within the Land of the Circuit.
When however the brothers of himself had climbed into the Feast, then also himself climbed, not visibly/openly, but as in secret.
Therefore the Casters were searching for himself within the Feast, and were saying, "Where is that one there?"
"He is Good"
And there was much cooing [like doves] from around himself within the Multitudes. The ones yet were saying that "He is Good." But different ones were saying "No, but rather he is causing the Multitude to wander."

Indeed though, no one was speaking with boldness from around himself across to the Fear of the Casters.
Already then, she who is of the middle of the Feast,76 Salvation climbed into the holy place and was teaching.
The Casters then were marveling, those who say, "How does this one see written letters, he who has not been taught?"
Therefore the Salvation separated to themselves and said, "My Doctrine, she is not mine, but rather of the one who has sent myself.
If anyone desires to make the Desire of himself, he will know around the Doctrine, which of the two she is from out of the God, or if myself is chirping away from myself.
The one away from himself, he who chirps, searches for the Glory of his own. However the one searching for the Glory of the one who sent himself, this one, is true/real, and injustice is not within himself.
It was something to make, not to obey
Drawn Out ("Moses") did not give to yourselves the Law,77 and no one from out of yourselves make the Law. Who do you search for to kill away myself?
The Multitude separated, "You hold a divinity.78 Who is searching to kill away yourself?
Salvation separated, and said to themselves, "One work I have made, and all of you are marveling.
Circumcise out from the Foreskin of the Fathers, not Moses
Across the other side to this one, Drawn Out ("Moses") has given to yourselves the Circum-cision79 not that it is from the Drawn Out [Moses], but from out of the Fathers, and within the Inner Cessation you cut-around [circumcise] a man.
Circum-cision. Cut Around.

Remove the foreskin of the "law". "Drawn out" is the meaning of the name "Moses". Put another way, draw out the sword from its sheath.

If the man is taking hold of circum-cision within Cessation so that the law of Moses might be loosed/untied, you are filled with bitter gall to myself because I made the whole entire man healthly/sound within Cessation.
Do not separate down by sight, but separate the Just separation.
They said therefore, anyone from out of those of Foundation of Peace, "This one is not who they are searching for to kill away.
And behold! With boldness he is chirping and they are not ever speaking anything to himself. Truly the rulers have known that this one is the Anointed One.
Coming of Christ
But this one, we perceive where he is from, and the Anointed One ("Christ"), whenever he may come, no one knows from where he is."
Therefore the Salvation, he who is teaching, cawed [as a raven] within the Holy Place, and he who is saying, "You have perceived, even myself, and you have perceived where I am from, and I have not come away from myself, but rather he is a true/real one, the one who sent myself who yourselves have not perceived.

Myself perceives himself, because I am from close beside himself, even that one sent away myself!

"The heart of the flesh is planning his road, and He is is making firm his steps." (Proverbs 16:9 RBT)

"He is is the word toward the second Jonah [Dove] to say: Stand for yourself, toward Nineveh the Great City, and proclaim toward her the eternal proclamation which is: 'Myself is the one who orders words toward yourself.'

They Could Never Grasp Himself
Therefore they were searching to grasp himself, but no one cast upon himself the Hand, because she had not yet come, the Hour of himself.
From out of the multitude now, many trusted into himself, and they were saying, "The Anointed ("Christ"), when he might come, he will not make more signs than those whom this one has made."
The Separatists heard the Multitude cooing [as doves] these ones from around himself, and the High Priests and the Separatists sent away under-rowers79b that they might grasp himself.
Under rowers sent away, to drive the Boat.

Therefore the Salvation said, "Still yet a small time with yourselves I am, and I am leading under toward the one who sent myself.
Your Corruption cannot Come
You will seek myself and you will not find. And where I am myself, yourselves are not able to come.
Therefore the Casters said toward themselves, "Where is himself destined to lead across, that ourselves find himself not? Is he not destined to lead across into the Scattering [thorough, of the seed] of the Greeks and teach the Greeks?
Who is this one, the Word, who he spoke, 'You will search for myself, and not find', and 'Where I am myself, yourselves are not able to come'?"
And within the Last Day of the Mega Feast, the Salvation stood ready and cawed [as a raven], he who speaks, "If anyone thirsts, may he come toward myself and drink!
The one who trusts into myself, just as she has spoken, the Writing, from out of the Belly of himself, streams of water, that which is living, will run.

"And a river has gone out from Delight to give drink to the self eternal Protected-Garden... "

(Genesis 2:10 RBT)

This one now he said from around the Spirit, whom those ones were destined to take hold of, the ones who have trusted into himself, for not yet was Spirit, because Salvation was not yet honored/glorified.
They Got it Wrong, He comes from out of the Circuit.
From out of the Multitude therefore, these ones were saying that "This one is truly the Prophet."
Different ones were saying, "This one is the Anointed One ("Christ")!" But the ones had been saying, "For the Anointed One ("Christ") is not coming from out of the Land of Circuit!
Did not the Writing speak, that from out of the Seed of Beloved ("David") and away from House of Loaf, the Unwalled Village where Beloved had been, the Anointed One is coming?"
Split/Tear #1 - The Multitude
A split/tear therefore became within the Multitude across to himself.
The Great one (Sixth Day) and the small one(day of one).

"And two builders/sons have been born to the Beyond/Across. The name of the One is Division [Peleg] for in his days the Earth became divided, and the name of the brother of himself is Small/Little." (Genesis 10:25 RBT)

And anyone from out of themselves desired to grasp himself, except no one cast over upon himself the Hands.

The laying on of hands.

"The right hand of He is, is she who is exalted. The right hand of He is, is she who makes a valiant one." (Psalm 118:16 RBT)

The Rowers of the Ship are Questioning
Therefore the subordinate-rowers came toward the Principle Priests and Separatists, and they said to themselves, those ones across, "Why did you not lead himself?"
The subordinate-rowers separated therefore, "A man never chirped this way as this Man chirps."
The Separatists Are Questioning themselves
The Separatists therefore separated themselves, "Have not also yourselves been made to wander?
Not anyone from out of the Rulers trusted into himself, or from out of the Separatists.
Except this multitude, the one not knowing the law, are cursed."
Conqueror of the People ("Nicodemus"), the one who has come toward himself, the first one who is from out of themselves, is saying toward themselves,
"The Law of Themselves"
"The law of ourselves does not distinguish/pick-out the Man, unless he hears first from close beside himself, and has known who he is making."

They separated and said to himself, "Is not also yourself from out of the Land of Circuit? Search for and behold that from out of the Land of Circuit a prophet is not awakening!"
Into the House of Himself
And each one led across into the House of Himself.
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