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Hammer 6

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And he came out from that side and is coming into the Country of himself, and the Learners of himself are accompanying to himself.
Into the Country of Himself

And of him who has become of an inner cessation ("sabbaton"), he started to teach within the Assembly, and the ones who are hearing multitudinous, they were driven out of their senses, those who are saying, "From where are these things for this one? And who is the Wisdom, the one who has been given to this one? And the Powerful Ones of such a kind, those who are becoming across from the Hands of himself?"
Is not this the Craftsman, the Son of the Bitter-Rebel, and a brother of Heel Chaser and of He Adds and of Caster and Hearing? And are not the Sisters of himself in here toward ourselves?" And they were scandalized/made to stumble within himself."
πατρίς - Fatherland
And the Salvation was saying to themselves that A prophet is not dishonored except within the Fatherland of himself and within the Kinsmen of himself and within the House of himself.
And he was not able to make there in that place not even one powerful one, except he who has placed the Hands upon few weak ones he treated.
And he was amazed across to the Distrust of themselves, and he was leading around the Unwalled Villages in a circle, he who is teaching.
And he is summoning near the Twelve, and he started to send themselves away, two two, and he was giving to themselves an authority of the Spirits, the Unclean ones.
A transmission
And he transmitted to themselves that they should lift up nothing into a road, except only a wand; not a loaf of bread, not a leather wallet, no copper into the Woman's Girdle,
but rather those who have fastened under sandals, you should also not be clothed with two inner tunics.
And he was saying to themselves, "Wherever if you might enter into a house, remain there until you go out from that side.
χοῦς - Earth Dug Out
And whichever place does not accept yourselves nor listen to yourselves, those who are leading out from that side, shake out the Dug-dirt, the Underneath of the Feet of yourselves, into a witness to themselves.
And those who have come out, proclaimed that they should change the mind.
And they were casting out divinities/demons multitudinous, and they were anointing with olive oil and treating multitudinous ones without strength.
And the king Son of Hero ("Herod") heard, for the Name of himself has become manifest, and he was saying that Favored, the one who is submerging, has been woken up from out of dead ones, and across to this one the Powerful ones are operating within himself.
And others and were saying that, he is He is My God ("Elijah"), and others and were saying that, A prophet just like one of the Prophets.
And he who has heard, the Son of a Hero, was saying, "Whosoever I, myself de-headed, Favored, this one was woken up!"
"Bound him in chains for a Thousand Years"
For himself, the Son of a Hero, he who has sent away, he seized control of the Favored, and he bound with chains himself within a watch across to Daughter of a Hero, the Woman of Lover of the Horse, the Brother of himself, because he married herself.
For the Favored was saying to the Son of a Hero, that it is not lawful for yourself to hold the Woman of the Brother of yourself.
Entangled/Caught in a Thicket
And the Daughter of a Hero ("Herodias") was entangled to himself, and she was wanting to kill away himself, and she was not able.
For the Son of a Hero was fearing the Favored, he who has seen himself a just male and a holy one, and he was keeping close together himself, and he who has heard of himself multitudinous was perplexed, and sweetly he was listening to himself.
γενεσίοις - pl. Geneses, Births
And of her who has become an opportune day, at which time Son of a Hero made a midday meal for the Geneses of himself for the most mega ones of himself, and the Chiefs of a Thousand, and the First One of the Circuit.
And of her who has come in the Daughter of herself, of the Daughter of a Hero, and of her who danced, she pleased the Son of a Hero and the ones who are reclining together. And the King spoke to the Young Maiden, "Ask/demand myself, whosoever you might desire, and I will give to yourself."
And he took oath to herself that if you might ask/demand myself, I will give to you up to half of the Queen of myself.
And she who has come out said to the Mother of herself, "What shall I ask/demand? And the one said, "The Head of the Favored, the one who is submerging."
"I want
the Head
of himself!"

πίνακι - writing/drawing tablet
And she who has entered immediately in company with an earnest one toward the King demanded, she who is saying, "I want that you give to myself at once the Head of Favored the Submerger upon a tablet!"

ἀθετῆσαι - Set Aside, Violate, Invalidate
And he who has become grieved all around, the King did not want to invalidate herself on account of/across to the Oaths and the ones who are reclining together.
σπεκουλάτωρ - Spy/Scout
And immediately the King, he who has sent away a spy, commanded to bear the Head of himself, and he who has gone away beheaded himself within the Watching.
And he bore the Head of himself upon a tablet, and he gave herself to the Young Maiden, and the Young Maiden gave herself to the Mother of herself.
And those who have heard, the Learners of himself, they came and they raised up the Fall of himself, and they set self within a monument.
ἀπόστολοι - Messengers, Sent Away Ones
And the Sent Away Ones led together toward the Salvation and they announced to himself everything, as much as they made and as much as they taught.
No opportunity to Eat
And he is speaking to themselves, "Come here you, yourselves, on your own into a desolate/lonely place and rest/cease for a little!" For the ones who are coming and the those who are leading under, they were multitudinous, and neither had they opportunity to eat.
And they went away within the Ship into a desolate place, on their own.
And they perceived themselves, those who are leading under, and they recognized multitudinous, and they ran there together on foot away from all the cities, and they advanced ahead of themselves.
And he who has gone out perceived a very great Multitude, and he was moved in the bowels upon themselves, because they were just like sheep who are not holding a shepherd. And he started to teach themselves multitudinous.
And already of her who has become an hour multitudinous, those who have approached to himself, the Learners of himself, they were saying that "He is Desolate/Lonely, the Place and already an hour multitudinous!15
Set themselves free so that those who have gone away into the Encircling Fields and villages might buy in the marketplace for their own selves what they should eat."
And the one who has separated said to themselves, "You, yourselves give to themselves to eat." And those who have gone away are saying to himself, "Should we buy in the marketplace loaves of bread of two hundred denarii and give to themselves to eat?"
But the one speaking to themselves, "How many loaves of bread are you holding? Lead under, perceive!" And those who recognized are saying, "Five and two fish."
And he commanded to themselves to lay back, all drinking banquets, drinking banquets, upon the green colored feeding-ground.16
And garden beds, garden beds laid back down against a hundred and down against fifty.

"A garden who is locked up, a sister of myself, a perfect one, a garden who is locked up, a spring who is sealed."

(Song of Songs 4:4 RBT)

And he who has taken hold of the Five Bread Loaves and the Two Fish, he who has looked up into the Heavenly One, blessed and broke off the Loaves, and he was giving to the Learners so that they set beside to themselves, and he distributed the two Fish to all.
And they all ate and were fattened.17
κλάσματα πληρώματα - Fractions of Completeness/Fullness
And they lifted up fragments of fullness of twelve hand-baskets, and away from the Fish.
And the ones who have eaten the Loaves, they were five thousand males.
And immediately he constrained the Learners of himself to enter into the Ship and to lead ahead into the Beyond, toward House of Hunters ("Bethsaida") until he should loose/set free the Multitude.
And he who has bid farewell/renounced themselves went away into the Mountain to offer prayers.18

"And the Coming Ones, a male and a female from out of all flesh, have come in just as when mighty ones commanded his eternal self, and He Is is shutting in himself behind."

(Genesis 7:16 RBT)

“For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of this Mystery, that you would not be sensible within your own selves, because a callus from a portion has become to God-Straightened up to the point which the full-contents/fullness [i.e. of a ship] of the races [ethnos] has entered.”

(Romans 11:25 RBT)

And of her who has become late, the Ship was within the Middle of the Sea, and himself alone upon the Earth.
ἐλαύνειν - Driving, Pushing Forward
And he who has perceived themselves, those who are touchstone-tormented within the Driving, for the Wind was set against/anti to themselves, around the Fourth Watch of the Night he is coming toward themselves, he who treads around upon the Sea. And he wanted to pass close beside themselves.
φάντασμα Phantasma - Mental Image, visionary experience
And the ones who have perceived himself on the Sea, he who is walking, they believed that he is a phantasma,19 and they cried up.
He Is Speaking
For everyone perceived himself, and they were agitated/thrown into disorder, but the one immediately chirped in company with themselves, and he is speaking to themselves, Take courage, I am myself! Do not fear!
And he climbed up toward themselves into the Ship and the Wind grew tired, and they were amazed exceedingly from out of abundance within their own selves.
A Heart of Stone
For they did not set together upon the Bread Loaves but rather she was the Heart of themselves she who has been petrified.
And those who have crossed over upon the Earth, they came into Harps ("Gennesaret") and brought to anchor/made landfall.
And those who have gone out of themselves, from out of the Ship, immediately are those who have known himself.
Where He Is
They ran around the entire Country, that one, and started to carry around upon the Beds the ones who are holding evilly where they were hearing that he is.
And wherever he was entering into unwalled villages or into cities or into fields, they were placing within the Marketplaces the ones who are weak and summoning close to himself so that even if they might attach to just the Edge of the Outer Garment of himself, as many as have attached to himself, they were being saved.
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