Hammer 2
And they were conducted together multitudinous, so as to no longer have space, not even toward the Door, and he was chirping the Word to themselves.
παραλυτικός - Disabled on one side
And they are coming, those who are bearing toward himself a paralytic,6 he who is being raised up from underneath four.And those who are not able to approach to himself across to the Multitude unroofed the Roof in the place where he was, and those who have dug out,7 they let down the bed in the place where the paralytic was lying down.
"And herself is she who caused them to climb up to the Roof of herself, and she is hiding them within the linen threads of the Tree of Arranged Ones for herself upon the Roof..."
(Joshua 2:6 RBT)"Under three, an earth has trembled, and under four she is not able to lift up..."
(Proverbs 30:21 RBT)"Three are they who make good pace, and four who make good their walking... "
(Proverbs 30:29 RBT)And the Salvation, he who perceived the Trust of themselves, is speaking to the Paralytic,"Child, the Misses of yourself are hurled away!"
And there were some of the Scholars there, those who are sitting down, and those who are debating within the Hearts of themselves,
"Who is this one talking like this? He is blaspheming! Who has the power to hurl away misses except one, the God?"
διαλογίζομαι - Debating back and forth, revolve in one's mind, double minded
And immediately the Salvation, he who has recognized the Spirit of himself, that in this way they are debating within their own selves, he is saying to themselves, "Why do you debate back and forth these things within the Hearts of yourselves?What is easier to speak to the Paralytic? The misses of yourself are hurled away? Or to speak, Awake! and lift up the bed of yourself, and tread around?
But that you may see that the Son of the Man is holding an authority to hurl away misses upon the Earth, he is speaking to the Paralytic,
To yourself I am saying, Awake! Lift up the bed of yourself, and lead under into the Household of yourself!"
And he woke up, and immediately, he who has raised up the bed came out in front of all, so as for all to be amazed, and to glorify the God, those who are saying that We never perceived it this way!
And he came out backwards close beside the Sea, and the whole Multitude was coming toward himself, and he was teaching themselves.
And he who is leading beside perceived Joined One ("Levi"), the one of the Changed One ("Alphaeus"), he who is sitting upon the Toll House, and he is speaking to himself, "Follow myself" and he who has stood up accompanied to himself.
They are Many
And he is becoming for himself to lie down within the House of himself, and tax farmers multitudinous and missers were reclining together with the Salvation and the Learners of himself, for they were multitudinous, and they were accompanying to himself.And the Scholars of the Separatists, those who have perceived that he is eating in company with the Missers and of Tax Farmers, were saying to the Learners of himself that "In company with the Tax Farmers and missers he is eating!"
Tax farmers, commonly referred to as publicans in Roman society, were often wealthy citizens of the Equestrian Order (ordo equester), originally a class of horsemen who served in the cavalry. By the late Republic and Imperial periods, their role shifted from military service to administrative and financial activities, including the lucrative but controversial practice of tax farming. These individuals leased the right to collect taxes on behalf of the state, profiting from any excess revenue beyond their contracted payment to the government. This system was prone to extortion and corruption, as publicans frequently over-collected taxes to maximize their profits, leading to widespread resentment among the general populace.
At the lower end of the hierarchy were the τελώναι (tax collectors or toll gatherers), often hired by the publicans to carry out the actual collection of taxes. These lower-class employees were despised even more than their employers, as they worked directly with the Roman authorities to extract money from their fellow citizens, often through harsh or dishonest means. In the New Testament, the term τελώνης refers to these tax collectors, who were widely regarded as sinners and social pariahs.
And the Salvation, he who has heard, is speaking to themselves that, "The ones who are mighty are not holding a need of a healer, but rather the ones who are holding evilly! I have not come to summon just ones, but rather missers!"
And they were those who are fasting, the Learners of Favored and the Separatists, and they are coming and saying to himself, "Across to what are the Learners of Favored and the Learners of the Separatists fasting, and the Learners of your own not fasting?"
And he said to themselves, the Salvation, "Are not the Sons of the Bridal-chamber able to fast within whosoever the Bridegroom is in company with themselves? For as long a time as they are holding the Bridegroom in company with themselves, they are not able to fast.
But they will come, days, when the Bridegroom should be lifted off away from themselves, and at that time they will fast within that one, the Day.
ἐπίβλημα - Coverlet, Bedspread, Tapestry, Lid
No one sews a coverlet of unmilled tattered rag upon an ancient outer garment, otherwise the Fullness will raise up away from himself, the New One of the Ancient One, and a worse division is becoming.8And no one is casting new wine into ancient skin bottles/boots, otherwise the Wine will break apart the Skin Bottles, and the wine is destroyed away, and also the Skin Bottles, but rather new wine into new skin bottles.
Making a Road where there is no Road
And he has become to himself within the Cessations, to journey alongside through the Sown Fields, and the Learners of himself began to make a road, those who are pulling out the Ears of Corn.And the Separatists were saying to himself, "Look at what they are making on the Cessations, that which is not permitted!"
πρόθεσις Prothesis - A project, Purpose, Presentation, Proposal, Setting Forth
And he is speaking to themselves, "You have never recognized what Beloved ("David") made when he was holding a need, and was hungry— himself and the ones in company with himself,how he entered into the Household of the God upon Remaining Father ("Ab-iathar"), a high priest, and the loaves of the Purpose he ate, that which is not permitted to eat except for the Priests, and he also gave to the ones who are in union with himself?
As the Son from out of the Man, so the Man across from the Son
And was saying to themselves, "The Inner-Cessation across to the Man, and not the Man across to the Inner-Cessation,so that he is a Master, the Son of the Man, also of the of the Inner-Cessation."
"And he is saying toward myself, a son of a man, 'Stand up on the dual feet of yourself! And I am putting in order your eternal self...'"
(Ezekiel 2:1 RBT)