Hammer 5
In the Land of Black Slime
And they came into the Beyond of the Sea, into the Country of the Black Slime Dwellers ("Girgashites").11ἐν πνεύματι ἀκαθάρτῳ - within an unclean spirit
And he who has gone forth of himself from out of the Ship, straightly encountered himself from out of the Memorials, a man within an unclean spirit,No More Solutions for this Lad
whosoever was holding the Habitation within the Monuments. And no one was any longer able to bind him, not even with a chain.Across to Himself, repeatedly to be bound with foot-shackles and chains, and the Chains to be drawn apart below himself, and the Foot-shackles to be broken in pieces. And no one was able to tame himself.
μνῆμα - Monument: mound or building in honor of the dead
And across from every night and day he was within the Monuments and within the Mountains, he who is cawing and he who is cutting up in pieces himself with stones.And he who has perceived the Salvation from far off away, ran and kissed to himself.
Stop Torturing Your Self
And he who has cawed out in a mega voice is speaking, "Who is to myself and to yourself, Salvation, a son of the God of the Highest One? I adjure/take oath to yourself by the God, do not torture myself!For the Unclean Spirit was saying to himself, "Come out from the Man!"12
Λεγιὼν - A legion, infantry of 6000
And he was questioning himself, "What is a name of yourself?" And he is speaking to himself, "Legion is a name of myself, because we are multitudinous."And he was calling for/summoning himself multitudinous, that he might not send themselves away outside of the Country.
μεγάλη ἀγέλη - A Mega Herd
And she was there, toward the Mountain, a mega herd of pigs, she who is being fed.And they summoned himself close, those who are saying, "Send ourselves into the Pigs, so that we might go into themselves.
And he allowed/left it to themselves, and those who have gone out, the Unclean Spirits, they entered into the Pigs, and the Herd rushed down from the Precipice into the Sea, just like two thousand, and they were choking/suffocating within the Sea.
And the ones who are feeding themselves fled and announced into the City and into the Fields, and they came to perceive who he is, the one which has become.
"Toward the Salvation"
And they are coming toward the Salvation, and they are looking attentively at the one who is being demonized, he who is sitting down, he who has been clothed, and he who is being of sound mind, the one who held the Legion, and they feared.And they narrated/recounted in detail to themselves, the ones who have perceived, how he has become, the one who is being demonized, and around from the Pigs.
And they started to summon himself close by to go away from the Boundaries/Limits of themselves.
And of him who stepped in of himself into the Ship, he was summoning himself, the one who has been demonized, so that in company with himself he may be.
And he did not send away himself, but rather he is speaking to himself, Lead under into the Household of yourself toward the ones of your own, and announce to themselves as much as the Master has made for yourself, and has shown mercy to yourself.
And he went away and he began to proclaim within the Ten Cities ("Decapolis"), as much as he has made for himself, the Salvation, and they were all astonished.
And one of the Assembly Rulers is coming, with a name He Enlightens ("Jairus"), and he who has perceived himself is falling toward the Feet of himself.
ἔσχατος - Extreme End, Furthest Point
And he is summoning himself close by multitudinous, he who is saying that "The little daughter of myself is holding at an absolute end so that you who have come, you might place upon herself the Hands, so that she might be saved, and she might live.And he went away in company with himself, and they were accompanying to himself, a multitudinous multitude, and they were pressing together himself.
To a Horse's Bridle
And a woman, she who is being within a flow of blood for twelve years,And she who has been acted upon multitudinous, under multitudinous healers, and she who has spent everything close beside herself, and she who has benefited nothing, but rather who has come into the Worst,
ἅπτομαι - Cling to, Attach to
she who has heard the things around the Salvation, she who has come within the Multitude from behind, she attached/clinged to the of Outer Garment of himself.for she was saying that "If I should cling even to the Outer Garments of himself, I will be saved!"
μάστιγος mastigos- The Horse Whip/Scourge
And immediately the fountain of the blood of herself dried up/withered, and she recognized the Body because she was healed away from the Scourge.And immediately, the Salvation, he who recognized within his own self, the one from out of himself, a powerful one who has gone out, he who has been turned around within the Multitude, was saying, "Who of myself has attached to the Garments?"
And they were saying to himself, the Learners of himself, "You are looking at the Multitude, he who is pressing together yourself, and you are saying, Who of myself attached?"
And he was looking all around to perceive the one who has made this.
προσπίπτω - Fell forward, slammed against
But the Woman, she who is afraid and she who is trembling, she who has perceived whosoever has become for herself, came and she fell toward himself and she said to himself all the Truth.And the one said to herself, "Daughter the Trust of yourself, she has saved yourself! Lead under into a peace and be sound/whole, away from the Scourge of yourself!"
σκύλλω - Skinned alive, flaying, shaving
Still while himself, he who is chirping, they are coming away from the Assembly Ruler, those who are saying that "The Daughter of yourself died off, why are you still skinning the Teacher?And the Salvation, he who has heard the Word, that which is being chirped, he is saying to the Assembly Ruler, "Do not fear, only trust!"
And he did not hurl away anyone in company with himself to accompany together, except the Small Stone and Heel Chaser, and Favored, the Brother of Heel Chaser.
ἀλαλάζω - Raising a War Cry
And they are coming into the Household of the Assembly Ruler, and he is looking attentively at a noisy uproar, and those who are weeping, and those who are clanging war-cries multitudinous.And he who has entered, he is saying to themselves, "Why are you making noise? And wailing? The Little Child has not died off, but rather it is sleeping!"
"Your father was a Speaker ("Amorite"), and your mother a Terrifier ("Hittite")" Ezekiel 16:3
And they were laughing at himself, but himself, he who has cast everyone out, he is taking from the Father and the Mother of the Child, and from the ones in company with himself, and he is entering in the place where the Little Child was being.And he who has seized control of the Hand of the Little Child is saying to herself, "Patched one, he stood up!"13 whoever is that being translated as the Young Maiden, to yourself I am saying Wake up!
"And he is causing to turn aside within the Day of Himself, the self eternal Banded He Goats, and those who are patched, and all of the Marked/Branded She Goats and those who are patched, every one whom is white within himself, and every burnt-dark one within the Lambs, and he is giving within the hand of the sons of himself"
(Genesis 30:35 RBT)"And he is becoming when He Adds has come toward the brothers of himself. And they are stripping self eternal He Adds, a self eternal Inner Tunic of himself, a self eternal inner tunic of the Palms who is upon himself"
(Genesis 37:23 RBT)The "Coat of Many Colors" Dipped
"And they are taking a self eternal inner tunic of He Adds, and they are slaughtering a hairy satyr of the female goats, and they are submerging the self eternal Inner Tunic within the Blood,"
(Genesis 37:31 RBT)"You are taking from the garments of betrayal of yourself, and you are making yourself high platforms of patched ones [טלאות], and you are prostituting upon them. They are not coming in, and he is not becoming!"
(Ezekiel 16:16 RBT)The Maidservant Usurps the Mistress
And immediately she stood up, the Young Maiden, and she began to tread around for she was of twelve years, and they were displaced immediately with a mega displacement.14And he expressly ordered/set apart to themselves multitudinous that no one should know this, and he spoke to be given to herself to eat.