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Hammer 1

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Origin of the Gospel of Salvation of Anointed One, a son of God.1
According to what was written/drawn within the Liberator ("Isaiah"), the Prophet, Behold! I am sending away the Angel of myself in front of the face of yourself, whosoever will construct the Road of yourself.
A voice of him who is crying out within the Desolate One, Prepare the Road of Master, make the Worn Paths of himself straight ones!
ἄφεσιν - Setting free the Missed Marks
He has become Favored ("Jóannés"), the one who is submerging within the Desolate One, he who is proclaiming a submersion of a change of mind into a release of misses.
We Missed Bad!
And she was leading out toward himself, the whole land of Casters ("Judean"), and the People of Foundation of Peace ("Jerusalemites"), and all were being submerged under himself within the Descent ("Jordan") river, those who are fully acknowledging the misses of themselves.
Above, and below, Himself

And the Favored was him who has clothed himself with hairs of a camel and a woman's girdle2 of skin hide around the loins himself, and he who is eating locusts and wild/savage honey.
ἱκανὸς - I am not now fit/Competent Enough
And he was proclaiming, he who is saying, "He is coming, the mightier one of myself, backwards from myself, of whom I am not fit, he who has stooped down to break loose the Strap of the Sandals of himself.
I, myself submerged yourselves with water, but he, himself will baptize yourselves with a holy spirit.
And he has become within those ones, the Days. Salvation came away from Sprouting Place ("Nazareth") of the Circuit ("Galilee"), and he was submerged into the Descent ("Jordan") under Favored.
σχιζομένους - Tearing Apart, Dividing Asunder the Dual Heavenly Ones
And straightly he who is climbing up from out of the water, he perceived those who are splitting apart the Heavenly Ones, and the Spirit even as a dove, that which is climbing down into himself.
And a voice, she has become from out of the Heavenly Ones, "You, yourself are the Son of myself, the beloved one, within yourself I have found delight!"
ἔρημον - Desolate, Lonely, Solitary
And straightly the Spirit is casting himself out into the Desolate One.
Ministering/Kissing to the Adversary
And he was within the Desolate One for forty days, he who is being tempted underneath the Adversary, and he was in company with the Wild Animals, and the Angels were dust-kicking ("deacons") to himself.
And beyond the Betraying of the Favored, came the Salvation into the Circuit ("Galilee"), he who is proclaiming the Gospel of the God.
And he who is saying that, The Time has been filled up, and she has approached, the Queen of the God! Change the mind and trust within the Gospel!
ἁλιεῖς - Seamen, one who has to do with the Sea
And he who is leading by close beside the Sea of the Circuit, perceived Hearing ("Simon") and Manhood ("Andrew") the brother of Hearing, those who are casting all around within the Sea, for they were seamen.
Become of Men
And the Salvation said to themselves, "Come here, backwards from myself, and I will make yourselves to become seamen of men."3
δίκτῠον - Net: hunting, fishing, lattice work, trap nets, the mesh of a sieve
And immediately, those who have hurled away the Nets, accompanied to himself.
And he who has stepped forward, a little one, perceived Heel Chaser ("Jakóbos") the one of the Dowry ("Zebedee") and Favored the Brother of himself, within the Ship, and themselves within the Ship, those who are restoring the Nets.
Heel Chaser "Jacob"
favored by Mother
Prepared "Esau"
favored by Father

And immediately he summoned themselves, and those who have hurled away the Father of themselves, Dowry ("Zebedee"), within the Ship in company with the Hired Workers, went away backwards from himself.
And they are entering into Comfort Cover ("Capernaum"), and immediately, on the Cessations, he who has entered into the Assembly, was teaching.
ἐκπλήσσω - struck, driven out of their senses
And they were struck upon the Doctrine of himself, for he was one who teaches themselves even as one who is holding an authority, and not like the Scholars.
And immediately a man was within the Assembly of themselves, within an unclean spirit, and he cried up,
he who is saying, "What is to ourselves, and to yourself, Salvation, Sproutling ("Nazarene")? Have you come to destroy away ourselves? I have seen yourself, who you are, the Holy One of the God!"
Come out of the Unclean Spirit!
And He bestowed honor to himself, the Salvation,"Muzzle, and come out from himself!"
A Mega Crow
And that which is tearing himself up, the Unclean Spirit, and that which crowed4 with a mega voice, came out from himself.
ἐπιτάσσει - to put/arrange upon one as a duty (mandate)
And they were all together astonished, so as to question toward their own selves, those who are saying, "Who is this new doctrine, down to an authority? And he is mandating upon the Unclean Spirits, and they are under-hearing to himself!"
And she came out, the Hearing of himself, immediately everywhere into the Whole Surrounding Region of the Circuit ("Galilee").
And immediately, those who have come out from the Assembly, came come into the House of Hearing ("Simōnos"), and of Manhood ("Andreou") in company with Heel Chaser ("Jakóbos") and Favored ("Jōannou").
And the Mother-in-law of Hearing was lying down, she who is suffering from a fever, and immediately they are speaking to himself around from herself.
πυρετός pyretos - Scorching Heat
And he who has approached woke herself up, he who has taken control of the Hand, and the Fiery Heat hurled away/let go of herself, and she was dust-kicking ("deacon") to themselves.
And she who who has become an evening when the Sun sank, they were carrying toward himself all the ones who are holding evilly, and the ones who are demonized.
Her Portions Assembled back Together
And she was, the Entire City, she who has been assembled together toward the Door.
And he treated multitudinous of those who are holding evilly many-colored sicknesses and he cast out multitudinous divinities/demons, and he was not hurling away/letting go the divinities/demons to chirp because they had seen himself.
And he who has stood up exceedingly early at night, came out and went away into a Desolate/Lonely Place, and there he was offering prayers.
And Hearing closely pursued himself, also the ones in company with himself.
And they found himself, and they are saying to himself that everyone is seeking yourself!
And he is speaking to themselves, "Lead away another way into the ones who are holding villages so that there also I might proclaim, for I came out into this.
And he came, he who is proclaiming, into the Assemblies of themselves, into the entire Circuit ("Galilee"), also he who is casting out the Divinities/Demons.
"You have power to cleanse myself!"
And he is coming toward himself, a scaly one, he who is summoning himself close beside, and he who is falling on the knees, he who is saying to himself that If you are willing, you have power to cleanse myself!
ἅπτομαι - cling to, attached, fasten
And he who has been moved in the bowels, he who has stretched out the Hand of himself, he attached. And he is speaking to himself, "I am willing. Be cleansed!
And immediately she went away, away from himself, the Scaliness,5 and he was cleansed.
"You have power to cleanse myself!"
"I'm willing!"

No More an Ass
And he who snorted angrily to himself, immediately he cast out himself.

"Are you giving to a horse a heroine? Are you clothing the neck of himself with a thunder? Are you making him quake like the Locust? The majesty of his snort is a terrifying one!"

(Job 39:19 RBT)

(גבורה giborah, Feminine passive participle from the same as gibbowr "warrior" i.e. "she who is valiant" #1369)

And he is speaking to himself, See that you speak nothing to no one, but rather lead under, show yourself to the Priest and bring around from the Purification of yourself whatever things Drawn Out ("Moses") arranged into a witness for themselves.
And the one who has gone out began to proclaim much, and to spread the Word across so as for himself no longer to be able to enter manifestly into a city, but rather he was outside upon desolate places, and they were coming toward himself everywhere.
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