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Hammer 4

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And he began to teach backward close beside the Sea, and the largest Multitude was led together toward himself so as for himself, he who has stepped into a ship, to sit down within the Sea, and the whole Multitude were toward the Sea upon the Earth.
And he was teaching themselves within multitudinous comparisons, and he was speaking to themselves within the Teaching of himself,
Comparisons of Himself

"Anyone who is a comparison/parable into the Present Time..."

(Hebrews 9:9 RBT)

"Those ones who are allegorized, for these ones are two dispositions..."

(Galatians 4:24 RBT)

Hear! Behold! The one who is sowing came out to sow,
And he has become within the Sowing, whosoever indeed fell close beside the Road, and the Winged Ones came and ate down self.
And another one fell upon the rocky place, and where he was not holding an earth multitudinous, and immediately he sprang up across to the Not Holding a depth of earth.
And when the Sun rose, he was scorched, and across to the Not Holding, a root was dried up.
συμπνίγω - Choked Together
And another one fell into the Thorns and the Thorns climbed up and jointly choked self, and he did not give fruit.
And others fell into the Earth, the Beautiful One, and she was giving fruit, those who are climbing up, and those who are increasing. And he was carrying— one thirty, and one sixty, and one a hundred—
and he was saying, Whoever is holding ears to hear, let him hear!"
And when he became down to solitary ones, they were entreating/asking himself, the ones around himself together with the Twelve, for the Comparisons.
And he was saying to themselves, "To yourselves the mystery of the Queen of the God is given, but to those Outside, the All is becoming within comparisons,
so that those who are looking, might look and not perceive, and those who are hearing, might hear and not put together, lest they should ever turn back, and she should be sent away to themselves."
And he is saying to themselves, "Have you not seen the Comparison, this one? And how will you recognize all the comparisons?
Sowing The Eternal Self
The one who is sowing, is sowing the Word.
And these ones are the ones close beside the Road, where the Word is sown, and when they might hear, immediately he is coming, the Adversary, and he will lift up the Word, the one who has been sown into themselves.
And these ones are the ones who are being sown likewise upon the Rocky Places, whosoever when they might hear the Word, immediately they are taking hold of himself in company with a joy.
No Eternal Root
And they are not holding a root within themselves, but rather they are temporal. Then, of her who has become of a pressing together, or of a chase across to the Word, immediately they are being scandalized.
And the other ones, those who are being sown into the Thorns, these ones are the ones who have heard the Word,
μέριμνα - Object of Care, Pursuit, Thought
and the Cares of the Eternal One, and the Trick of the Wealth/Treasures, and the Desires around to the Remaining Ones, those who are entering, choke together the Word, and he is becoming fruitless.
And those ones are the ones who have been sown upon the Earth, the Beautiful One, anyone who are hearing the Word and are receiving, and they are bearing fruit, one thirty and one sixty and one a hundred.
On the Menorah
And he was saying to themselves, "Is the Lamp coming so that he might be placed underneath the Dry Measure ("Modius"), or underneath the Bed so that he should not placed upon the Lampstand?
For there is no one hidden except that he might be made manifest, neither has he become concealed, but so that he might come into light/visible.
If anyone is holding ears to hear, let him hear!
And he said to themselves, "Pay attention to who you listen to. Within whichever measure you are measuring, he will be measured to yourselves, and he will be added to yourselves.
For whoever is holding, it will be given to himself, and whoever is not holding, also whatever he is holding will be lifted up away from himself."
And he was saying, "In this way she is, the Queen of the God, just as a man might cast the Seed upon the Earth,
and she should sleep and she should awake, night and day, and the Seed should sprout and lengthen, as if he has not seen/known himself.
automatē - Self Prompted, Self Acting
Self generating the Earth bears fruit, first a feeding place, thereafter an ear of grain, thereafter a full grain within the Ear of Grain.
And when she should hand over the Fruit, immediately he is sending away the Pruning Knife, because the Harvest has stood close by."
And he was saying, "How should we liken the Queen of the God? Or within who might we present herself a comparison?
Just like a grain of mustard, whosoever when he has been sown upon the Earth, that which is smaller than all of the seeds of the ones on the Earth.
And when he has been sown he climbs up and is becoming more mega than all of the Garden Herbs, and he is making mega branches so as for the Winged Ones of the Heavenly One to be able to tent down beneath the Shadow of himself."
And with such comparisons multitudinous, he was chirping to themselves the Word, just as they were able to hear.
But he was not chirping to themselves apart from a comparison, but in private to his own learners he was un-knotting everything.
עברים - Hebrews, Beyond Ones
And he is saying to themselves, within that one, the Day, she who has become of an evening, "Let us travel across into the Beyond!"
And those who have hurled away the Multitude, they are taking from himself even as he was within the Ship, and other ships were in company with himself.
And she is becoming a mega storm of a wind, and the waves were casting into the Ship, so as for the Ship to already be loaded up.
"We are being destroyed"
And he, himself was within the Stern, he who is sleeping upon the Pillow, and they are waking himself up, and they are saying to himself, "Teacher! Are you, yourself not concerned that we are being destroyed away?"
And he who has woken up, he bestowed honor on the Wind and said to the Sea, "Quiet! Be muzzled!" And the Wind stopped, and she has become a mega calm one.
And he said to themselves, "What cowards you are! You are still not holding a trust!"
And they feared a mega fear, and they were saying toward each other, "Who then is this one, because even the Wind and the Sea are undering-hearing to himself!"
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