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Hammer 7

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And the Separatists and some of the Scholars are being led together toward himself, those who have come away from Foundations of Peace.
κοινός - Shared in Common, Public
And those who have perceived some of the Learners of himself that they are eating the Bread Loaves with common hands, that means, unwashed.
πυγμῇ = Fist, Punching, Boxing Match
For the Separatists and all of the Casters, unless they wash the Hands with a fist fight,20 they are not eating, those who are seizing control of the Transmission of the Elders.
And away from a marketplace, if they are not submerging they are not eating, and there are multitudinous other things which they have taken in to take power. Submergings of cups and of pitchers and copper vessels.
And they are inquiring after himself, the Separatists and the Scholars, "For what are the Learners of yourself not treading around down according to the Transmission of the Elders, but instead are eating the Bread Loaf with unwashed hands?
And the one said to themselves, "Beautifully He is Liberator ("Isaiah") prophesied around from yourselves, the Interpreters, just as it had been written/drawn, that This People is valuing myself with the Lips, but the Heart of themselves, she is keeping far away from myself!
But in vain they are feeling awe/worshiping myself, those who are teaching doctrines, mandates of men!"
Those who have sent away the Commandment of the God are taking power over the Transmission of the Men.
And he was saying to themselves, "Beautifully you reject/invalidate the Commandment of the God so that the Transmission of yourselves you might watch over!
Half Dead
For Drawn Out ("Moses") said, "Value the Father of yourself, and the Mother of yourself, and the one who is evil-speaking a father or a mother, let him complete death.
And you, yourselves are saying, "If a man should say to the Father or the Mother, Whatever is a gift, whatever you might benefit from myself is a Draw Near Offering,
You no longer send him away to make anything for the Father or the Mother,
those who are rejecting the Word of the God for the Transmission of yourselves, whomever you all handed over, and like such things multitudinous you are making!
σύνετε - bring together
And he who summoned backwards to himself the Multitude, he was saying to themselves, "Listen to myself everyone, and synthesize!
There is nothing outside of the Man, that which is entering into himself, which is able to make himself common, but rather the ones which are being led out from the Man, those are the ones who make the Man common.
And when he entered into a house away from the Multitude, the Learners of himself were questioning himself about the Comparison.
ἀσύνετοί - Not Synthesized
And he is speaking to themselves, "In this way also yourselves are not synthesized! Do you not understand that all from the Outside which is entering into the Man is not able to make himself common?
Because he does not enters into the Heart of himself, but rather into the Belly, and into the Toilet he is leading out, he who is purifying all of the Foods.

And he was saying that the one from out of the Man, he who is leading out, that one is making the Man common.
For from within, from out of the Heart of the Men, the Evil Inner Dialogues are leading out, prostitutions, thefts, murders, adulteries.
greeds, pain-ridden ones, bait, insolence, a pain-ridden eye, a blasphemy, a haughtiness, a foolish one.
All these ones, the Pain-Ridden Ones, he is leading out from within, and they are making the Man common.
And from there, he who has stood up went away into the Boundaries of Flint-stone ("Tyre"), And he who has entered into a house was wanting no one to recognize, but he was not able to escape notice.
But instead, immediately she who has heard, a woman around from himself, whosoever the Little Daughter of herself was holding an unclean spirit, she who has come fell against toward the Feet of himself.
O Unholy Night
And the Woman, she was a Greek Syro-Phoenician ("Of Exalted Palm Country") by the Kind/Race,21 and she was entreating himself so that he should cast out the Divinity/Demon from out of the Daughter of herself.
And he was saying to herself, "First hurl away the Children to be fattened! For it is not good to take hold of the Bread Loaf of the Children and cast to the Little Dogs."
But the one separated and she is saying to himself, "Yes Master, and also the Little Dogs underneath the Table are eating away from the Little Crumbs of the Little Children!"
And he said to herself, "Lead under across to this one, the Word! The Divinity/Demon has come out from the Daughter of yourself!"
to this one!

And she who has gone away into the Household of herself found the Little Child who has been cast upon the Bed, and the Divinity/Demon, that which has come out.
Backward into the Sea
And he who has come out backward, out from the Boundaries of Flint-stone, came across from Hunt into the Sea of the Circuit, upward middle from the Boundaries of Ten-Cities.
μογιλάλος - One who stammers, speech impeded, stutters
And they are carrying to himself a blunted dumb one, and a stammerer, and they are summoning himself close beside so that he should place the Hand upon himself.
And he who has taken back himself away from the Multitude, down on his own, he cast the Fingers of Himself into the Ears of Himself, and he who has spit out attached to the Tongue of Himself.
Five Fingers
γλῶσσα - the tongue, language.
No longer forked

"They have pointed their tongues just like a serpent, the burning poison of a viper is underneath the dual-lip-borders of themselves."

(Psalm 140:3 RBT)

And he who has looked up into the Heavenly One sighed deeply, and he is speaking to himself, Be opened! that which is, Be opened!

= open by dividing or drawing asunder, open across, open so as to connect

Also the Ears of himself were opened, and immediately the Chain of the Tongue of himself was loosed, and he was chirping correctly.
The Tongue/Language of himself loosed

And he expressly ordered/set apart to themselves that they should say nothing. But as much as he was setting apart to themselves, all the more abundantly all around they were proclaiming.
And they were driven out of their wits beyond all measure, those who are saying, "Beautifully he has made everything! And the Blunt/Dumb he is making to hear, and mute ones to chirp/chatter!
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