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He is Liberator 30

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

woe/alas builders/sons rebels he who whispers He Is to make and not and not in order that upon
the Walkers of Dual-Siege not in the hand in the hand of Dual-Siege
and he has become to yourselves in the hand of Dual-Siege
for they have become
all/every upon Gathered People not not and not for and also
carried-one beasts in the earth upon and upon upon Gathered People not
therefore themeselves still one/resting one
now he who comes upon tablet their eternal selves and upon a book and she has become to a day inner last until/testimony
for Gathered People Himself builders/sons builders/sons not torat/direction He Is
whom/straightly not not to ourselves they ordered words to ourselves
road את-self eternal holy one
therefore thus he has said holy one God Straightened for the purpose/because this one in the hand upon himself
therefore he is becoming to yourselves this one in the hand whom/straightly unexpectedly he is coming
not and not he is finding he has engraved fire dual water
for thus he has said masters He Is holy one God Straightened in the hand your inner selves are being to save in the hand she is becoming and not
not for upon upon an upright one your inner selves are to flee and upon upon an upright one
a thousand one one you are trying until/testimony if upon head the Mount upon
He Is for mighty ones judgement He Is straight/happy ones all/every to himself
for Gathered People in Signpost [Zion] he sat not
and he is giving to yourselves masters loaf and not going around the eye of yourself את-self eternal
he has ordered-words to say this one walk! in himself for
את-self eternal silver of yourself and אֵת-self eternal she is speaking to himself
and he is giving whom/straightly את-self eternal the Ground of Adam and a loaf the Ground of Adam and he has become within the Day
slaves the Ground of Adam in the hand whom/straightly
and he has become upon all/every mountain and upon all/every dual water within the Day abundance
and he has become light he is becoming dual-seven seven the Days within the Day He Is את-self eternal
Behold name He Is he has come they have baked The burden have become filled like a fire
until/testimony backside ones [nations] in the hand false upon the peoples
he is becoming to yourselves heart He Is toward rock/cliff God Straightened
He Is את-self eternal majesty he is being seen in the hand yea/a nostril/anger fire
for He Is
and he has become all/every whom/straightly He Is upon himself in the hand within herself
for also Himself to the King fire He Is