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He is Liberator 51

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

Hear toward myself just-one He Is toward rock/cliff and toward/don't
toward and toward/don't for one I summoned himself
for He Is Monument all/every of the word He Is he is finding within herself
they are perking the ears toward myself my Gathered toward myself let your ear pay attention for torah the peoples
near the peoples they are judging toward myself and toward/don't their inner selves are to wait
toward the Earth from below for dual Heavens and the Earth an upright one their inner selves are to die into the eternal one she is becoming not
Hear toward myself just-one Gathered People do not mortal man do not
for into the eternal one she is becoming
mighty one He Is Is not את-self eternal herself
Is not את-self eternal herself a sea water a sea road
He Is their inner selves are to return Monument in the hand upon their inner selves are causing to overtake
my own self my own self Himself who את-self eternal man
and yourself has forgotton He Is dual Heavens earth at all times all/every The Day heat/fury as when he is making firm/secure heat/fury
and not and not
He Is gods of yourself the Sea He Is armies his name
and I am putting my word in the hand the hand of myself dual Heavens earth my Gathered
Foundation of Peace whom/straightly from the hand He Is את-self eternal את-self eternal
there is not to herself builders/sons she has begotten and there is not in the hand builders/sons
dual/twofold Behold who to yourself who
your builders/sons in the head all/every heat/fury He Is gods of yourself
therefore pray this one and not
thus he has said He Is Behold את-self eternal את-self eternal not going around
in the hand whom/straightly