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גדלה בנים מ כל ב יד ה מחזיק ו אין ילדה בנים מ כל ל ה מנהל אין
Nonebuilders/sonsNonein the handNoneand there is notshe has begottenbuilders/sonsNoneto herselfNonethere is not
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
No guide is for her among all the sons she has borne; and none takes her by the hand of all the sons she made to grow.
ESV Translation:
There is none to guide her among all the sons she has borne; there is none to take her by the hand among all the sons she has brought up.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
and there was none to comfort thee of all the children whom thou borest; and there was none to take hold of thy hand, not even of all the children whom thou hast reared.
