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He is Liberator 63

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RBT Hebrew Literal

who this one he has come the sour one in the hand this one in abundance myself the wasteland in a just one abundance
man in the hand
there is not a man my eternal self in the hand upon in the hand and the whole upon
for day vengeance within the heart of myself
and there is not and there is not to myself herself
the peoples in the hand to the earth
He Is I am reminding He Is all/every whom/straightly He Is and abundant good one to the house God Straightened whom/straightly
and he is saying Only my Gathered themselves builders/sons not and he is becoming to themselves
within the whole not in the hand Himself upon all/every days
את-self eternal spirit to themselves Himself within themselves
days Drawn Out ("Moses") where dual water את-self eternal the one who shepherds me where in the hand את-self eternal spirit
Drawn Out ("Moses") dual water to make to himself name
in the Desolate one not
spirit He Is an upright one to make to yourself name
he has seen/see where Roaring-Multitude toward myself
for your eternal self for not not your eternal self He Is upon name of yourself
why He Is in order that
Gathered People
we have become not within themselves not name of yourself upon themselves dual Heavens