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He is Liberator 29

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RBT Paraphrase

And He is saying, 'Masters, because the Gathered People has drawn near for this purpose, in the Mouth of himself, and in the Lips of himself, they have honored myself. But the Heart of themselves has become far from myself. And she has become their fear of my eternal self, she who teaches commandments of mortal men.'

RBT Hebrew Literal

woe/alas duplicate upon duplicate
and she has become and she has become to myself
upon yourself upon yourself upon yourself
from the earth the sayings of yourself and he has become from the earth the sayings of yourself
and he has become he was crushed finely Roaring-Multitude crossed over Roaring-Multitude and he has become unexpectedly
He Is armies in the hand fire
and he has become vision her night Roaring-Multitude all/every the Nations upon and the whole to herself
and he has become as when and behold! I am eating his breath/soul and behold! He who drinks and behold! an upright one he is becoming Roaring-Multitude all/every the Nations upon mountain
and not and not
for He Is spirit את-self eternal את-self eternal the Prophets and אֵת-self eternal
and she has become to yourselves whom/straightly his eternal self toward he is seeing to say he read pray this one and he said not I am eating for Himself
and he is giving upon whom/straightly not has perceived a book to say he read pray this one and he said not
and he is saying masters for the purpose/because for has drawn near the Gathered People this one in the mouth of himself and in the lips of himself they have honored myself and the heart of himself has become far from myself and she has become the fear of themselves my eternal self commandments mortal men she who teaches
therefore את-self eternal the Gathered People this one
woe/alas and he has become and they are speaking who
if for he is saying not he has said not
Is not going around a little one
within the Day my word a book eye of myself
man God Straightened
for all/every sorrow
man in the hand their inner selves are to lure
therefore thus he has said He Is toward house Heel-Chaser whom/straightly את-self eternal not now Heel-Chaser and not now
for the hand of myself in the hand my name את-self eternal holy one Heel-Chaser and אֵת-self eternal mighty ones God Straightened
spirit he has taken