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He is Liberator 7

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is becoming within the days He Grasped builder/son He Is Complete builder/son He Is his Power king Land of Casters ascending one king builder/son king God Straightened Foundation of Peace upon herself and not upon herself
and he is opposite to the house to say upon spirit
and he is saying He Is toward He Liberates Himself pray He Grasped your eternal self in the hand toward toward
and you have said toward himself do not do not the Goddess yea/a nostril/anger and a son
for the purpose/because for upon yourself and a son to say
upon king in the hand את-self eternal builder/son
thus he has said masters He Is not you/she standing up and not she is becoming
for head duplicate
builder/son if not for not
He Is he has ordered-words toward He Grasped to say
upon to yourself He Is gods of yourself or to the upside
and he is saying He Grasped not and not את-self eternal He Is
and he is saying Hear pray house from yourselves mortal men for also את-self eternal mighty ones
therefore he is giving masters Himself to yourselves Behold builder/son his name in company with ourselves god
by an evil within the good
for in the hand has perceived by an evil within the good the Ground of Adam whom/straightly your eternal self two
He Is upon yourself and upon and upon house father of yourself days whom/straightly not they have come in upon Land of Casters את-self eternal king
and he has become within the Day He Is whom/straightly of Dual-Siege whom/straightly in the earth
all of them in the hand
within the Day masters in the hand in the hand in the hand את-self eternal and also את-self eternal
and he has become within the Day a man
and he has become for all/every within the center the Earth
and he has become within the Day he is becoming all/every whom/straightly he is becoming name a thousand in the hand silver he is becoming
he is coming there-her for she is becoming all/every the Earth
and the whole the Mountains whom/straightly their inner selves are being to hoe not there-her and he has become the traveler [ox]