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He is Liberator 8

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is saying He Is toward myself take to yourself and he has written upon himself in the hand mortal man
to myself את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal builder/son
toward builder/son and he is saying He Is toward myself he read his name
for in the hand has perceived he read he is lifting up את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal to the faces king
He Is he has ordered-words toward myself going around to say
for the purpose/because for the Gathered People this one את-self eternal water the Walkers את-self eternal and a son
Behold masters upon themselves את-self eternal water את-self eternal king and אֵת-self eternal all/every upon all/every and he has walked upon all/every
until/testimony he is touching and he has become in company with ourselves
the peoples all/every earth
they ordered words he has ordered-words and not for in company with ourselves
for thus he has said He Is toward myself within a road the Gathered People this one to say
not your inner selves are to say whom/straightly he is saying the Gathered People this one and אֵת-self eternal not and not
את-self eternal He Is armies his eternal self and Himself and Himself
and he has become God Straightened Foundation of Peace
within themselves multitudes
rock/cliff torah in my learning
to He is from the house Heel-Chaser to himself
Behold my own self whom/straightly he has given to myself He Is in the hand He Is armies in the hand
toward yourselves Seek toward and toward/don't Is not Gathered People toward upon away from toward dual dead ones
if not this one whom/straightly there is not to himself
within herself and he has become for he is hungry in the hand to the upside
and toward/don't earth and behold!
for not to herself road the Sea crossed over the Descent the Nations