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He is Liberator 5

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RBT Paraphrase

I am singing, now, to my beloved, a song of my beloved/David to his vineyard, a vineyard he has become to my beloved in a horn, a builder[son] of fat.
And he furrowed-about-him, and stoned-him,* and planted-him a choice-vine; and he is building a tower in his middle, and also a trough he has hewn in him, and he is waiting to make anabim [clustered-ones], and he is making beushim [stinking-ones].
And now, he-who-sits in Yerushalem, and a man of Cast, judge now between me and between my vineyard.
What to make going-around to my vineyard and have I not made in him? Why have I waited to make anabim, and he made stinking-ones?
And now I am causing-to-know, now, אֵת-you-all which myself is he-who-makes to my vineyard, turning-aside his entwined-hedge, and he has become to burn, breaking-through his wall, and he has become to a trampled-one.
I will put a waste, it is not being trimmed and not being ordered [hoed], and a thorn is ascending and a thornbush, and upon the Enveloping-clouds I am commanding from raining upon him a rain.
For a vineyard of Yahweh of Armies is house of El-Strives, and a man of Cast is a planted-one of pleasant-ones, and he is waiting for a judgement, and behold an outpouring, for a righteous-one, and behold a crying-out-one.
Hoy, those-who-cause-to-touch house in[against] house, field in[against] field, they bring-near until a ceasing of the standing-place, and they have been made-to-sit to their separation in the inward-part of the Earth.
In my dual-ears Yahweh of Armies if not abundant houses to a desolation, they have become great-ones and good-ones from nothing of he-who-sits.
For ten pairs of a vineyard are making a bath of one and a seed of a clay-one is making an ephah.
Hoy, those-who-shoulder-up in the Dawn a drunk-one, they are following those-who-remain in the Breeze, a foaming-one is inflaming them.
And he has become a twanger, a skin[fool], and a drum, and a pierced-one, and a bubbling-one in their drinks, and אֵת-the deed of Yahweh they are not scanning, and the work of his dual-hands they have not seen.
To-the-upright, my gathered-one[people] has uncovered from failure of knowledge, and his weight of extended-ones is a hungry-one and his uproaring-one is sunshine of thirsty-one.
To-the-upright, Sheol has enlarged her breath, and she has gaped-open her blaster[mouth] to the failure of an inscribing, and her honored-one has descended, and her uproaring-one and her rushing-one, and a exulting-one is in her.
Adam is being sunk-down, and a man is made-low, and the dual-eyes of the high-ones[geboim] are made-low.
And Yahweh of Armies is high [gabah] in the Judgement, and the Set-apart El [strong-one] is set-apart in a just-one.
And the subduing-ones [lambs] have looked-upon according to their ordered-word, and dry-waste-ones of fat-ones, those-who-offroad are eating.
Hoy, those-who-draw/drag-out the Crooked-one in ropes of the False-one, and according to the intwined-one of the rolling-one of the Miss.
The Ones-who-say he is making-haste, he is hastening his work to-the-purpose that we are seeing, and the counselor of the set-apart of He-Strives is drawing-near and coming in, and we are knowing.
Hoy, the Ones-who-say to the evil-one ‘good-one’ and to the good-one ‘evil-one’, those-who-put a dark-one to a luminary, and a luminary to a dark-one, those-who-put a bitter-one to a sweet-one, and a sweet-one to a bitter-one.
Hoy, the wise-ones in their dual-eyes, and opposite their turnings are those-who-discern.
Hoy, the powerful-ones to drinking the bubbling-one, and the mortal-men of a mighty-one to a mixing of a strong-drink.
Those-who-justify a wicked-one a heel* a present, and a just-one of just-ones they are turning aside from him.
Therefore like the eating of straw, a tongue of fire and chaff, a flashing-one is weakening their root, like the Melting [rotten] one he is becoming, and their bud is ascending like the Dust, for they have rejected
Upon an upright-one, the breath [nostril] of Yahweh has glowed-warm in his gathered-one, and he is stretching-out his hand upon him, and he is striking him, and the Elevations are quivering and their flabby-one[foolish-one] is becoming like the Refuse in the inner-part of the outsides. In the whole of this one his breath [nostril] has not turned-back, and going-around his hand is she-who-is-stretched-out.
And he has lifted a flag [ensign] to the Goyim from a distant one, and he has hissed to-him from the cut-off-end of the Earth, and behold hastily the light/swift one [despised?]* one is coming in.
Naught is a faint one, and naught is he-who-wavers [stumbles] in him, he is not slumbering, and he is not sleeping[slack], and the girdle[waistcloth] of his dual-loins has not been opened, and the twist/lace of his dual-sandals [fastened-ones] has not been torn off.
Which his dividers [arrows] are those-who-are-sharpened [Senunim], and the whole of his bows are those-who-march, the broken ones [in two, hooves] of his leaping-ones [horses] have been woven [accounted?] as the Flint-pebble, and his rolling-ones are as the Snatching-one [whirlwind].
A roaring-one is to-him like the Lion, he is roaring like the Covered-ones [young lions], and he is growling, and he is grasping a torn-piece and he is delivering it, and naught is he-who-snatches-away.
And he is growling over him in the Hot-one of Himself as the growling-one of the roaring-sea. And he has looked to the Earth, and behold, a dark one of a pebble-flint [or dark strait], and a luminary-light has become dark in dropping-ones [obscurity/clouds?].

RBT Hebrew Literal

pray beloved of myself vineyard he has become in the hand builder/son
in the hand and also in himself to make in the hand
he who is sitting Foundation of Peace Land of Casters judge pray and between my vineyard
what/how to make going around and not in himself to make in the hand
pray your eternal selves את-self eternal whom/straightly myself he has made and he has become and he has become
not and not and upon upon himself
for vineyard He Is armies house God Straightened Land of Casters and behold! and behold!
woe/alas house within house until/testimony within the center the Earth
in the hand He Is armies if not multitudes they are becoming he who is sitting
for vineyard a built one one he is making
and he has become and a foolish-one and אֵת-self eternal He Is not not
therefore my Gathered when
therefore Sheol within herself
man a man
He Is armies in judgement in a just one

woe/alas in the hand
in order that holy one God Straightened
woe/alas good one evil one dual Heavens dual Heavens myrrh/bitter
woe/alas in the hand
donation/bribe just ones
therefore the tongue fire he is becoming for את-self eternal torat/direction He Is armies and אֵת-self eternal holy one God Straightened they have scorned
upon an upright one yea/a nostril/anger He Is in the hand and he is stretching out hand of himself upon himself and he is striking himself the Mountains and she has become within the center within the whole this one not sit they have baked hand of himself
and he has carried from a remote place to himself the Earth and behold! he is coming
there is not and there is not in himself not and not and not and not
whom/straightly and the whole
to himself and there is not
upon himself within the Day a sea to the earth and behold!