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He is Liberator 44

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

he has heard Heel-Chaser slaves in himself
thus he has said He Is do not slaves Heel-Chaser in himself
for dual water upon and flowing ones upon upon upon
in the hand upon dual water
this one he is saying to He is myself he is reading Heel-Chaser hand of himself to He is God Straightened
thus he has said He Is king God Straightened his kinsman redeemer He Is armies myself inner first and myself inner last and aside from that there is not mighty ones
he is reading to myself Gathered People and whom/straightly
do not and toward/don't and you and there is not rock/cliff
carved image all of them themselves they have perceived in order that they are ashamed
who god in order that not
favor/grace/lo! all/every they are ashamed themselves in the hand all of them they are ashamed
he has engraved also and there is not not He who drinks dual water
he has engraved a man man house
to himself and he is taking to himself
and he has become and he is taking yea/a nostril/anger loaf yea/a nostril/anger god carved image
in the hand fire upon yea/a nostril/anger and he is saying light
he has made to himself toward himself and he is saying for toward myself your eternal self
not they have perceived and not are distinguishing for
and not toward and not and not to say fire upon loaf
a heart and not את-self eternal his breath/soul and not he is saying Is not false one
goddess Heel-Chaser for slaves your eternal self male-servant to myself your eternal self God Straightened not
toward myself for
dual Heavens for he has made He Is earth and the whole in himself for He Is Heel-Chaser
thus he has said He Is upon my own self He Is he has made all/every dual Heavens the Earth who my eternal self
the backside
he has ordered-words Malachi Land of Casters

the one who shepherds me and the whole is making safe/complete yourself is building