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He is Liberator 41

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

toward myself at that time in union
who just-one he is giving backside ones [nations] he is giving sword of himself
peace in the hand not he is coming
who and he who makes he read myself He Is inner first and אֵת-self eternal myself Himself
the Earth their inner selves are seq
a man/each one את-self eternal he is saying
he has engraved את-self eternal he has refined את-self eternal foot-strike he has said good one Himself not
and your eternal self God Straightened slaves Heel-Chaser whom/straightly in the hand a seed
whom/straightly the Earth and he said to yourself slaves your eternal self in the hand and not
do not for myself do not for myself gods of yourself yea/a nostril/anger yea/a nostril/anger
favor/grace/lo! they are ashamed all they are becoming as nothing
and not they are becoming as nothing
for myself He Is gods of yourself to yourself do not myself
do not Heel-Chaser when God Straightened myself he who whispers He Is holy one God Straightened
Behold he has renewed like chaff yourself is setting
and the spirit and your eternal self God Straightened
dual water and there is not myself He Is mighty ones God Straightened not
upon in the hand the wasteland dual water dual water
in the Desolate one cedar tree in the hand in union
in order that in union for He Is this one God Straightened in the hand
he is saying He Is he is saying king Heel-Chaser
to ourselves את-self eternal whom/straightly what/how Behold or
for mighty ones their eternal selves yea/a nostril/anger in union
favor/grace/lo! their eternal selves detestable thing
he is reading my spice/name and he is coming in
who yea/a nostril/anger there is not yea/a nostril/anger there is not yea/a nostril/anger there is not he has heard
inner first Behold he who bears news
and I am seeing and there is not a man/each one and there is not he has ordered-words
favor/grace/lo! all of them sorrow spirit