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He is Liberator 2

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RBT Paraphrase

The Word whom He Liberates Himself has envisioned, builder/son of Courage, over the Land of Casters and Foundation of Peace.
And he has become in the last one of the Days one who is erected. He is becoming a mountain in the house He Is within the head of the Mountains, and he has carried from the hills, and all of the Nations are sparkling toward himself.
And abounding peoples have walked and have said ‘Walk and we are ascending toward the elevation Yahweh, toward house of elohe Heel, and he will cast [or shoot] from his road, and we are walking in his caravan-way.* For from Signpost [Zion] a shot* is going out, and the Word of Yahweh from Yerushalem.
He has judged between the Goyim [Peoples] and he has corrected to peoples abounding, and they have hammered their dry-ones [sharp cutting instrument] to plowing-instruments,* and their declining-ones [spears]* to pruning-instruments; goy [people] toward goy [people] are not lifting a dry-one [sword], and they are not teaching going-around war.
House of Heel walk, and we are walking in the light of Yahweh.
For you have left your people house of Heel, for they have filled from the front [east], those who encloud like the Philishtim [rolling dust], and in born-ones [boys] of strange-ones they are clapping.
And his earth is being filled of silver and gold, and nothing is the extremity [limit] to his treasure-house. And his earth is being filled of skipping-ones [swallows or horses],* and nothing is the extremity [limit] to his riding-places.
And his earth is being filled with worthless-gods [elilim]* to the work of their dual-hands, they bow themselves down to whom their fingers have made.
And adam is bowing down, and a man is becoming low*, and do not lift [assist] to them.
Come in, in the Stone and hide in the Dust from the turnings of the dreadful-one of Yahweh and from the glory of his pride.
The prideful dual-eyes of adam has become low, and the height of mortal-men has bowed down. And Yahweh has been made lofty to his separation in the Hot-one of Himself.
For the hot-one of Yahweh of Armies is above the whole of the proud-one and those-who-are-high and above the whole of him-who-is-lifted and low.
And above the whole of the firm-ones [cedars] of the White-Elevation [Lebanon], the High-ones and the Lifted-ones, and above the whole of the gods [אַלּוֹנֵ֥י] of Smooth [Bashan].*
And above the whole of the High Elevations and above the whole of the Lifted [assisted] Domes.
And above the whole of the exalted tower, and above the whole of the cut-off [inaccessible] wall.
And above the whole of the ships of Yellow-stone [Tarshish], and above the whole of the skiyot [pictures/imageries/crafts?] of the Pleasant-one.
And the pride of the Adam has bowed down, and the height of mortal-men has become low, and Yahweh has been exalted to his separation in the Hot-one of Himself.
And the Worthless-gods [the Elilim] entirely he has passed-through [changed/replaced].
And they have come in caves of stones and in piercings [holes] of the dust from the turnings of the dreadful-one of Yahweh and from the glory of his pride in his standing-up to shock [cause to tremble] the Earth.
In the Hot-one of Himself, the Adam will throw אֵת-the worthless-gods of his silver and אֵת-the worthless-gods of his gold, who they have made to-him to bow down, to rat holes [hole-diggers]* and to the Night-Birds.*
To come in, in the dugouts of the Stones and in the Cracks [Clefts] of the Cliffs from the turnings of the dreadful-one of Yahweh and from the glory of his pride in his standing-up to shock the Earth.
Quit to-you all from-out the Adam, whom a blowing is in his nose. For in what he-who-interweaves [or one who thinks] is he?

RBT Hebrew Literal

The Word whom/straightly he has envisioned He Liberates Himself builder/son Courageous-one upon Land of Casters and Foundation-of-Peace
and he has become in the last the Days he who is erected he is becoming mountain house He Is in the head the Mountains and he has carried from the hills and they are sparkling toward himself all/every the Nations
and they are walking the peoples multitudes and they are saying walk! and we are ascending toward mountain He Is toward house mighty ones Heel-Chaser and they are seeing in the hand for from out of Monument torah He Is
between the Nations multitudes not he is lifting up nation toward nation a sword and not going around
house Heel-Chaser walk! in the hand He Is
for house Heel-Chaser for have become filled
silver and there is not and there is not
they have made in the hand
man a man and toward/don't she/yourself is lifting up to themselves
he who comes He Is
eye of myself man mortal men He Is to his separation within the Day
for day to He is armies upon all/every and upon all/every carrying
and upon all/every and upon all/every
and upon all/every the Mountains and upon all/every
and upon all/every and upon all/every a wall
and upon all/every and upon all/every
mortal men He Is to his separation within the Day

He Is in the hand the Earth
within the Day את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly they have made to himself
in the hand He Is in the hand the Earth
Stop to yourselves from out whom/straightly in the hand for in what