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He is Liberator 33

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

woe/alas and your eternal self not and not in himself
He Is to yourself he has become yea/a nostril/anger in the hand
Roaring-Multitude the peoples backside ones [nations]
in himself
He Is for Monument judgement
and he has become He Is herself
favor/grace/lo! upon My-Messenger peace myrrh/bitter their inner selves are to weep
still one/resting one crossed over in the hand not mortal man
earth he has become
now he is saying He Is now now
the peoples within fire
Hear whom/straightly
in Signpost [Zion] missers who to ourselves fire who to ourselves
has walked in the hand a boy bloods his eyes by an evil
Himself he has given
king in the hand the eye of yourself shall see earth
your heart he is cooing a terror where a book where where a book את-self eternal
את-self eternal Gathered People not Gathered People a lip the tongue there is not
he has envisioned Monument the eye of yourself Foundation of Peace and the whole
for if name majestic He Is to ourselves hands in himself myself majestic not
for He Is He Is He Is Himself
an upright one at that time until/testimony
he is saying the Gathered People within herself carrying bent over one