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He is Liberator 50

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RBT Paraphrase

Thus He Is has spoken, "Where is this book of cutting down the mother of yourselves? Straightly I have sent herself away! Or who is within those whom I credited? I have sold your eternal selves to himself! Behold! You were all sold within your perversities, and the mother of yourselves was sent away within the rebellions of yourselves!

RBT Hebrew Literal

thus he has said He Is where? this one a book a cutting down the mother of yourselves whom/straightly I have sent away herself or who from my crediting whom/straightly I have sold your eternal selves to himself favor/grace/lo! within your perversities yourselves were sold and within your rebellions she sent away the mother of yourselves
I have come in and there is not a man and there is not the hand of myself and if there is not within me favor/grace/lo! in the hand a sea the wasteland dual water
dual Heavens
masters He Is he has given to myself the tongue את-self eternal he has ordered-words to myself
masters He Is to myself not the backside not
nation faces not
and lords He Is to myself upon an upright one not upon an upright one faces for not being ashamed
near who my eternal self who judgements toward myself
favor/grace/lo! masters He Is to myself who Himself favor/grace/lo! all of them
who he feared He Is he has heard in the hand whom/straightly has walked and there is not to himself in the hand He Is
favor/grace/lo! the whole of yourselves fire walk! in the hand she has become this one to yourselves your inner selves are to lie down