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He is Liberator 36

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is becoming in the hand duplicate to the King ascending one king upon all/every Land of Casters
king את-self eternal abundance toward The King in the hand make heavy/honor And he is standing firm
and he is going out toward himself builder/son whom/straightly upon the House builder/son
and he is saying toward themselves abundance pray toward thus he has said The King the Great king what/how this one whom/straightly
has spoken Only word now upon who for within me
Behold upon this one upon of Dual-Siege whom/straightly a man upon himself and he has come an upright one king of Dual-Siege upon himself
she is speaking toward myself toward He Is mighty ones of ourselves Is not Himself whom/straightly את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal in the hand and he is saying to the faces this one
pray את-self eternal masters The King to yourself if is able to yourself upon themselves
את-self eternal faces one slaves masters to yourself upon of Dual-Siege
He Is upon the Earth this one He Is he has said toward myself ascending one toward the Earth this one
and he is saying toward abundance he has ordered-words pray toward for and toward/don't upon in the hand the Gathered People whom/straightly upon the Wall
and he is saying abundance masters את-self eternal the Words the Goddess upon upon the Wall את-self eternal את-self eternal in company with yourselves
And he is standing firm abundance and he is summoning and he is saying Hear את-self eternal my word The King the Great king
thus he has said The King do not he is lifting up to yourselves for not your eternal selves
and toward/don't your eternal selves toward He Is to say He Is not this one in the hand king
do not toward for thus he has said The King they have made my eternal self toward myself a man a man who
until/testimony your eternal selves toward earth earth earth loaf
a corner your eternal selves to say He Is mighty ones the Nations a man את-self eternal from the hand king
where mighty ones heat/fury where mighty ones snatch away themselves את-self eternal
who within the whole mighty ones the Goddess whom/straightly snatch away themselves את-self eternal for He Is את-self eternal Foundation of Peace
and not his eternal self he has ordered-words for commandments The King herself to say not
and he is coming in builder/son whom/straightly upon the House builder/son toward to himself את-self eternal my word abundance