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ינתן חציר אדם ו מ בן ימות מ אנוש ו תיראי את מי מנחמ כם הוא אנכי אנכי
NoneNonemanNoneNoneNoneNoneאת-self eternalwhoNoneHimselfmy own selfmy own self
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RBT Translation:
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RBT Paraphrase:
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LITV Translation:
I, I am He comforting you. Who are you, that you should fear from man? He shall die! And from the son of man? He is given as grass.
ESV Translation:
“I, I am he who comforts you; who are you that you are afraid of man who dies, of the son of man who is made like grass,
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
I, even I, am he that comforts thee: consider who thou art, that thou wast afraid of mortal man, and of the son of man, who are withered as grass.
