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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

he has heard God Straightened your eternal self crossed over The Day את-self eternal the Descent backside ones [nations] and a mighty throng in the dual heavenly ones
Gathered People sons/my son whom/straightly your eternal self and your eternal self who to the faces sons/my son
The Day for He Is gods of yourself Himself fire Himself and Himself as when he has ordered-words He Is to yourself
do not she is speaking in your heart He Is gods of yourself their eternal selves to say in the hand He Is את-self eternal the Earth this one the Nations the Goddess He Is
not your eternal self he has come את-self eternal for in the hand the Nations the Goddess He Is gods of yourself and in order that את-self eternal The Word whom/straightly He Is to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser
for not He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself את-self eternal the Earth this one for Gathered People hard/severe your eternal self
do not את-self eternal whom/straightly את-self eternal He Is gods of yourself in the Desolate one The Day whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege until/testimony until/testimony the Standing Place this one with He Is
את-self eternal He Is He Is your eternal selves
whom/straightly He Is in company with yourselves day her night loaf not I ate not I drank
He Is toward myself את-self eternal two in the hand mighty ones the Words whom/straightly he has ordered-words He Is in company with yourselves from inside within the Day
and he is becoming day her night he has given He Is toward myself את-self eternal two
and he is saying He Is toward myself for whom/straightly from out whom/straightly they have made to themselves
and he is saying He Is toward myself to say את-self eternal the Gathered People this one and behold! Gathered People hard/severe Himself
from myself את-self eternal from below the Dual-Heavenly ones and abundant
from out the Mount within fire upon the hand of myself
and I am seeing and behold! to He is mighty ones of yourselves to yourselves from out whom/straightly He Is your eternal selves
the Tablets upon the hand of myself
to the faces He Is day her night loaf not I ate not I drank upon all/every whom/straightly to make causing evil in the hand He Is
for whom/straightly he has been enraged He Is your eternal selves and he is hearing He Is toward myself also
He Is very much also away from Inner Light ("Aaron")
and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly את-self eternal The Round one his eternal self within fire his eternal self to make good! until/testimony whom/straightly he was crushed finely to a dusting one/stag את-self eternal toward from out the Mount
את-self eternal He Is
He Is your eternal selves to say את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly to yourselves את-self eternal mouth He Is mighty ones of yourselves and not to himself and not in the hand
with He Is your eternal selves
to the faces He Is את-self eternal The Day and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly for he has said He Is your eternal selves
toward He Is and he said masters He Is do not whom/straightly in the hand whom/straightly in the hand
to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser do not toward the Gathered People this one and toward/don't and toward/don't
a corner the Earth whom/straightly He Is toward the Earth whom/straightly he has ordered-words to themselves in the Desolate one
and themselves whom/straightly in the hand