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Words 25

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

for he is becoming between mortal men toward את-self eternal את-self eternal
and he has become if builder/son in the hand
they are being set upright not a corner upon goddess
not the traveler [ox] in the hand
for in union one and a son there is not to himself not she is becoming woman to a man he is coming upon herself to himself
and he has become whom/straightly upon name his brothers and not his name
and if not the Man את-self eternal toward name in the hand not in the hand
to himself toward himself and he said not I wanted
toward himself upon in the hand he is making to a man whom/straightly not את-self eternal house his brothers
his name in the hand house
for mortal men in union a man woman את-self eternal from the hand and he is sending her
את-self eternal not
not he is becoming to yourself in the hand stone
not he is becoming to yourself in the hand
stone Complete One he is becoming to yourself Complete One he is becoming to yourself in order that the days of yourself upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
for He Is gods of yourself all/every he has made goddess all/every he has made
he who is remembered את-self eternal whom/straightly he has made to yourself within a road in the hand
whom/straightly within a road in the hand all/every and your eternal self and not he feared mighty ones
and he has become in the hand He Is gods of yourself to yourself hated ones of yourself in the earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself she is wiping away את-self eternal from below the Dual-Heavenly ones not