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Words 26

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he has become for toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself within herself
all/every the Ground of Adam whom/straightly whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself and you have set toward the Standing Place whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself his name name
toward whom/straightly he is becoming and you have said toward himself The Day to He is gods of yourself for I have come in toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is to ourselves
to the faces place of slaughter/sacrifice He Is gods of yourself
and you have said to the faces He Is gods of yourself name a little one and he is becoming name and abundant
upon ourselves hard/severe
toward He Is mighty ones and he is hearing He Is את-self eternal and he is seeing את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
He Is in the hand
toward the Standing Place this one to ourselves את-self eternal the Earth this one earth
Behold את-self eternal the Ground of Adam whom/straightly to myself He Is to the faces He Is gods of yourself to the faces He Is gods of yourself
within the whole whom/straightly he has given to yourself He Is gods of yourself your eternal self whom/straightly in the hand
for את-self eternal all/every within the gates of yourself
and you have said to the faces He Is gods of yourself from out the House and also whom/straightly not from the commandments of yourself and not
not I ate and not in the hand and not in the hand He Is mighty ones whom/straightly
from out the Dual-Heavenly ones את-self eternal את-self eternal God Straightened and אֵת-self eternal the Ground of Adam whom/straightly to ourselves as when earth
The Day this one He Is gods of yourself to make את-self eternal the Goddess and אֵת-self eternal the Judgements and you have made within the whole
את-self eternal He Is The Day to yourself within the roads of himself in the hand
and He Is The Day to himself as when he has ordered-words to yourself all/every
Most High upon all/every the Nations whom/straightly he has made Gathered People holy to He is gods of yourself as when has arranged words.