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Words 34

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RBT Paraphrase

And He Is saying toward himself, "This one, the Earth, whom I have sevened to Father of Multitude, to He Laughs, and to Heel Chaser, to say, I am giving herself to the seed of yourself, I have caused yourself to see within the eyes of yourself, and the name of herself, she is not crossing over.

RBT Hebrew Literal

Drawn Out ("Moses") toward mountain head the Summit whom/straightly upon faces He Is את-self eternal all/every the Earth את-self eternal until/testimony
and אֵת-self eternal all/every and אֵת-self eternal earth and אֵת-self eternal all/every earth Land of Casters until/testimony the Sea
and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal an awake city until/testimony
and he is saying He Is toward himself this one the Earth whom/straightly I have been sevened to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser to say to the seed of yourself I am giving herself I have made yourself see in the eyes of yourself and her name not she is crossing over
name Drawn Out ("Moses") male-servant He Is in the earth upon mouth He Is
his eternal self in the earth house and not has perceived a man את-self eternal until/testimony The Day this one
and Drawn Out/Moses builder/son duplicate in the hand not and not
sons/my son God Straightened את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand thirty day days Drawn Out ("Moses")
builder/son spirit for Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal upon himself toward himself sons/my son God Straightened as when He Is את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses")
and not going around in the hand whom/straightly they have perceived He Is toward
whom/straightly He Is to make in the earth of Dual-Siege
the Great whom/straightly he has made Drawn Out ("Moses") all/every God Straightened