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Words 31

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is walking Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is ordering words את-self eternal the Words the Goddess toward all/every God Straightened
and he is saying toward themselves builder/son duplicate my own self The Day not I am eating going around and He Is he has said toward myself not she is crossing over את-self eternal the Descent this one
He Is gods of yourself Himself crossed over Himself את-self eternal the Nations the Goddess He is Salvation Himself crossed over as when he has ordered-words He Is
and he who makes He Is to themselves as when he has made kings whom/straightly their eternal selves
He Is to themselves whom/straightly I have laid charge upon your eternal selves
do not and toward/don't for He Is gods of yourself Himself the One who walks not and not
and he is summoning Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is saying toward himself all/every God Straightened for your eternal self את-self eternal the Gathered People this one toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is to themselves and your eternal self
and He Is Himself the One who walks Himself he is becoming not and not not and not below
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal this one toward sons/my son את-self eternal in the hand He Is and toward/don't all/every God Straightened
Drawn Out ("Moses") to say in the hand in the hand
in the hand all/every God Straightened to see את-self eternal faces He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly את-self eternal this one opposite/counter all/every God Straightened in the hand
את-self eternal the Gathered People and traveler of yourself whom/straightly within the gates of yourself in order that and in order that את-self eternal He Is mighty ones of yourselves to make את-self eternal all/every my word this one
whom/straightly not they have perceived את-self eternal He Is mighty ones of yourselves all/every the Days whom/straightly their eternal selves living ones upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly their eternal selves את-self eternal the Descent there-her
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") favor/grace/lo! the days of yourself to die he read את-self eternal He is Salvation in the hand and he is walking Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand
and he is seeing He Is in the hand And he is standing firm upon
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") lie down with the Gathered People this one behind mighty ones the Earth whom/straightly Himself he has come there-her in the hand את-self eternal in the hand whom/straightly his eternal self
in himself within the Day faces and he has become and he said within the Day upon for there is not mighty ones in the hand the Goddess
faces within the Day upon all/every whom/straightly he has made for toward mighty ones behind ones
to yourselves את-self eternal this one את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened in the hand in order that she is becoming to myself this one God Straightened
for toward the Ground of Adam whom/straightly I have been sevened and seven toward mighty ones behind ones את-self eternal in the hand
and he has become for his eternal self this one for not from a mouth for את-self eternal whom/straightly Himself he has made The Day in the hand toward the Earth whom/straightly I have been sevened
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal this one within the Day את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened
את-self eternal He is Salvation builder/son and he is saying for your eternal self את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened toward the Earth whom/straightly I have been sevened to themselves
and he is becoming Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal my word this one upon a book until/testimony
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal in the hand He Is to say
he has taken את-self eternal a book this one his eternal self in the hand He Is mighty ones of yourselves and he has become name in the hand
for my own self את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal favor/grace/lo! in the hand in company with yourselves The Day with He Is for behind
toward myself את-self eternal all/every את-self eternal the Words the Goddess within themselves את-self eternal the Dual-Heavenly ones and אֵת-self eternal the Earth
for behind for your inner selves are causing to ruin from out whom/straightly I have laid charge upon your eternal selves your eternal selves in the last the Days for you are making את-self eternal causing evil in the hand He Is in the hand hands of yourselves
and he is ordering words Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand all/every God Straightened את-self eternal my word this one until/testimony