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Words 16

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

את-self eternal he has renewed and you have made to He is gods of yourself for in the new moon He Is gods of yourself her night
yourself has slaughtered to He is gods of yourself whom/straightly He Is his name name
not she/you eating upon himself seven days she/you eating upon himself commandments loaf depressed for from the earth of Dual-Siege in order that את-self eternal day from the earth of Dual-Siege all/every days your living ones
and not he is being seen to yourself within the whole seven days and not he is lodging the night from out whom/straightly within the Day
not is able את-self eternal in the hand whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
for if toward the Standing Place whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself his name name את-self eternal the Sun
whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself in himself
six days she/you eating commandments the Seventh one to He is gods of yourself not she/yourself is making
seven to yourself
and you have made to He is gods of yourself whom/straightly give as when he is blessing/kneeling yourself He Is gods of yourself
to the faces He Is gods of yourself your eternal self and son/builder of yourself and daughter/built one of yourself and maid of yourself whom/straightly within the gates of yourself whom/straightly in the hand whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself his name name
for male-servant within Dual Siege and you have made את-self eternal
she/yourself is making to yourself seven days in the hand
in the hand your eternal self and son/builder of yourself and daughter/built one of yourself and maid of yourself whom/straightly within the gates of yourself
seven days to He is gods of yourself whom/straightly He Is for he is blessing/kneeling yourself He Is gods of yourself within the whole your hand Only
three he is being seen all/every את-self eternal faces He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly in the hand and not he is being seen את-self eternal faces He Is
a man hand of himself He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly he has given to yourself
give to yourself within the whole whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself את-self eternal the Gathered People judgement just-one
not judgement not and not donation/bribe for eye of myself my word
just-one just-one in order that את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
not to yourself all/every place of slaughter/sacrifice He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly she/yourself is making to yourself
and not to yourself whom/straightly he hated He Is