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Words 14

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RBT Hebrew Literal

builders/sons their eternal selves to He is mighty ones of yourselves not and not between
for Gathered People holy one your eternal self to He is gods of yourself He Is to himself whom/straightly upon faces
not she/you eating all/every detestable thing
this one whom/straightly you all are eating the traveler [ox] each lamb

and the whole in the hand your eternal self you all are eating
Only את-self eternal this one not you all are eating את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal for themselves not themeselves to yourselves
and אֵת-self eternal for Himself and not Himself to yourselves not you all are eating not
את-self eternal this one you all are eating whom/straightly in the dual waters all/every whom/straightly to himself you all are eating
and the whole whom/straightly there is not to himself not you all are eating Himself
all/every a bird you all are eating
whom/straightly not you all are eating
and אֵת-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal all/every
and אֵת-self eternal a built one and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal

and the whole Himself to yourselves not
all/every you all are eating
not you all are eating all/every whom/straightly within the gates of yourself or for Gathered People holy one your eternal self to He is gods of yourself not
ten את-self eternal all/every duplicate duplicate
to the faces He Is gods of yourself whom/straightly his name name the inquirer of yourself in order that את-self eternal He Is gods of yourself all/every the Days
for not is able for the Standing Place whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself his name name for he is blessing/kneeling yourself He Is gods of yourself
Silver ones in the hand toward the Standing Place whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself in himself
Silver ones within the whole whom/straightly whom/straightly upon name to the faces He Is gods of yourself your eternal self
whom/straightly within the gates of yourself not for there is not to himself
את-self eternal all/every within the gates of yourself
and he has come for there is not to himself whom/straightly within the gates of yourself in order that he is blessing/kneeling yourself He Is gods of yourself within the whole whom/straightly