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Words 22

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RBT Hebrew Literal

not את-self eternal the traveler [ox] or את-self eternal
and if not near upon yourself and not toward the center your house and he has become until/testimony his eternal self to himself
she/yourself is making she/yourself is making she/yourself is making whom/straightly she is perishing/lost not is able
not את-self eternal or within a road
not he is becoming he has become mighty/warrior upon a woman and not he has become mighty/warrior a woman for He Is gods of yourself all/every he has made
for he is reading a bird within a road within the whole or upon the Earth or upon or upon not upon
he has sent את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal to yourself in order that he is creating good to yourself
for yourself is building house he has renewed and you have made and not yourself is setting bloods in the hand for
not a corner whom/straightly
not in the hand
she/yourself is making to yourself upon four whom/straightly
for he is taking a man a woman and he has come He Is God
to herself upon herself name evil one and he said את-self eternal this one He Is God and not to herself in the hand
את-self eternal in the hand toward
and he said toward את-self eternal to a man this one
and behold! Himself name to say not in the hand the Mighty One in the hand to the faces
את-self eternal the Man his eternal self
his eternal self silver for name evil one upon in the hand God Straightened she is becoming not all/every
and if he has become The Word this one not
את-self eternal toward house for in the hand house causing evil
for he is finding a man lie down with a woman also the both of themselves the Man with causing evil
for he is becoming a boy to a man a man
את-self eternal the both of themselves toward their eternal selves את-self eternal upon he has ordered-words whom/straightly not and אֵת-self eternal the Man upon he has ordered-words whom/straightly את-self eternal woman causing evil
and if he is finding the Man את-self eternal within herself the Man the Man whom/straightly lie down to his separation
not she/yourself is making he has ordered-words there is not he has missed he has died for as when a man upon soul an upright one The Word this one
for and there is not
for he is finding a man a boy whom/straightly not
and he is giving the Man silver she is becoming below whom/straightly not she sent away all/every