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Words 19

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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

for He Is gods of yourself את-self eternal the Nations whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself את-self eternal
three to yourself in the center whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
She is preparing to yourself את-self eternal whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself and he has become there-her all/every
he has ordered-words whom/straightly there-her whom/straightly את-self eternal and Himself not he hated to himself
and whom/straightly he is coming את-self eternal hand of himself from out את-self eternal Himself toward one the Goddess
a corner down below behind for for soul there is not judgement he has died for not he hated Himself to himself
upon an upright one my own self to say to yourself
and if He Is gods of yourself את-self eternal as when and he is giving to yourself את-self eternal all/every the Earth whom/straightly he has ordered-words
for she is guarding את-self eternal all/every this one whom/straightly my own self The Day את-self eternal He Is gods of yourself within the roads of himself all/every the Days to yourself going around upon the Goddess
and not blood innocent within the center whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself and he has become upon yourself
he is becoming a man he hated to the evil of himself to himself upon himself soul toward one
his eternal self his eternal self in the hand down below
not upon himself blood and good to yourself
not evil of yourself whom/straightly in the hand whom/straightly in the earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
not until/testimony one in the hand bent over one within the whole he has missed whom/straightly upon mouth two or upon mouth he has ordered-words
for until/testimony in the hand in himself apostasy/withdrawl
two whom/straightly to themselves to the faces He Is to the faces whom/straightly they are becoming
to make good! and behold! until/testimony false one false one
to himself as when he planned/plotted to make causing evil
and not to make going around causing evil this one in the hand
and not soul in the hand in the hand in the hand in the hand foot in the hand