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RBT Paraphrase

He who is emasculated, a crushed one, is not entering. And he who is cut down, she has poured out within the congregation of He Is.

RBT Hebrew Literal

not he is taking a man את-self eternal woman father of himself and not he is uncovering wing father of himself
not he is coming he who is emasculated a crushed one and he who is cut down she has poured out in the congregation He Is
not he is coming in the congregation He Is also not he is coming to himself in the congregation He Is
not he is coming in the congregation He Is also not he is coming to themselves in the congregation He Is until/testimony
upon he has ordered-words whom/straightly not your eternal selves within a road in the hand and whom/straightly upon yourself את-self eternal builder/son in the hand
and not He Is gods of yourself toward He Is gods of yourself to yourself את-self eternal for He Is gods of yourself
not all/every the days of yourself
not for not from the narrow strait for
builders/sons whom/straightly to themselves he is coming to themselves in the congregation He Is
for upon hated ones of yourself he has ordered-words evil one
for he is becoming a man whom/straightly not he is becoming her night and he is going out toward not he is coming toward the center the Camp
and he has become in the dual waters the Sun he is coming toward the center the Camp
she is becoming to yourself there-her
she is becoming to yourself upon and he has become in the hand within herself and he has ceased את-self eternal
for He Is gods of yourself within the center hated ones of yourself and he has become holy one and not he is being seen nakedness he has ordered-words
not male-servant toward whom/straightly upon yourself
he sat in the hand whom/straightly in the hand within the good to himself not
not she is becoming God Straightened and not he is becoming holy God Straightened
not adulterous house He Is gods of yourself for He Is gods of yourself also the both of themselves
not silver all/every he has ordered-words whom/straightly
not in order that he is blessing/kneeling yourself He Is gods of yourself within the whole upon the Earth whom/straightly your eternal self he has come there-her
for to He is gods of yourself not for He Is gods of yourself and he has become he has missed
not he is becoming he has missed
she is guarding and you have made as when to He is gods of yourself whom/straightly in the hand
for within a vineyard evil of yourself and toward/don't not
for in the hand evil of yourself in the hand not upon