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RBT Paraphrase

Ascend to the head of the Summit, and lift up the eyes of yourself to her sea, and her hidden one, and her right hand side, and her place of rising! Perceive in the eyes of yourself that she is not crossing over the self eternal Descent of this one!

RBT Hebrew Literal

road and he is going out king Himself and the whole
and he is saying He Is toward myself do not his eternal self for his eternal self and אֵת-self eternal all/every and אֵת-self eternal and you have made to himself as when king whom/straightly he who is sitting in the hand
He Is mighty ones of ourselves in the hand also את-self eternal king and אֵת-self eternal all/every until/testimony I have been mixed to himself a survivor
את-self eternal all/every not she has become meeting-city whom/straightly not an awake city all/every
all/every goddess in the hand a wall very much
as when king all/every an awake city remedy
and the whole to ourselves
את-self eternal the Earth from the hand two kings whom/straightly in the hand the Descent until/testimony mountain
to himself
all/every and the whole and the whole until/testimony
for king Behold Himself in the hand sons/my son in the hand a man
and אֵת-self eternal the Earth this one whom/straightly upon mountain
and the whole rod/scepter all/every he is reading earth
builder/son he has taken את-self eternal all/every until/testimony and he is summoning their eternal selves upon his name את-self eternal until/testimony The Day this one
את-self eternal
from out and until the center and until sons/my son
and until a sea a sea below the Summit
your eternal selves to say He Is mighty ones of yourselves he has given to yourselves את-self eternal the Earth this one to the faces sons/my son God Straightened all/every sons/my son
for abundance to yourselves in the hand whom/straightly to yourselves
until/testimony whom/straightly He Is also themeselves את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of yourselves he has given to themselves in the hand the Descent a man whom/straightly to yourselves
and אֵת-self eternal I have laid charge upon to say the eye of yourself את-self eternal all/every whom/straightly he has made He Is mighty ones of yourselves the Goddess an upright one he is making He Is whom/straightly your eternal self crossed over there-her
not for He Is mighty ones of yourselves Himself
toward He Is to say
masters He Is your eternal self את-self eternal and servant of yourself את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly who god in the dual heavenly ones whom/straightly he is making
in the hand pray את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly in the hand the Descent the Mount this one
He Is within me and not he has heard toward myself and he is saying He Is toward myself abundance to yourself do not he has ordered-words toward myself going around this one
ascending one head the Summit and lift the eye of yourself her sea and her hidden one and her right hand side and her place of rising and perceive/see in the eyes of yourself for not she is crossing over את-self eternal the Descent this one
את-self eternal He is Salvation for Himself to the faces the Gathered People this one and Himself את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly
within a valley house