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Words 11

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RBT Hebrew Literal

את-self eternal He Is gods of yourself all/every the Days
The Day for not את-self eternal in the hand whom/straightly not they have perceived and whom/straightly not את-self eternal discipline He Is mighty ones of yourselves את-self eternal his great one את-self eternal hand of himself
and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly he has made in the center of Dual-Siege king of Dual-Siege
and whom/straightly he has made of Dual-Siege whom/straightly את-self eternal water a sea upon in the hand He Is until/testimony The Day this one
and whom/straightly he has made to yourselves in the Desolate one until/testimony until/testimony the Standing Place this one
and whom/straightly he has made sons/my son builder/son whom/straightly the Earth את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal all/every whom/straightly in the hand within the center all/every God Straightened
for את-self eternal all/every He Is whom/straightly he has made
את-self eternal all/every whom/straightly my own self The Day in order that את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly their eternal selves there-her
and in order that days upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly He Is to themselves earth
for the Earth whom/straightly your eternal self he has come there-her not of Dual-Siege Himself whom/straightly whom/straightly את-self eternal
and the Earth whom/straightly their eternal selves there-her earth the Dual-Heavenly ones dual water
earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself your eternal self at all times eye of myself He Is gods of yourself within herself the duplicate and until
and he has become if he has heard toward whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves The Day את-self eternal He Is mighty ones of yourselves within the whole
the earth of yourselves in the time of himself
in the hand
to yourselves a corner mighty ones behind ones and you all have worshiped yourselves to themselves
yea/a nostril/anger He Is את-self eternal the Dual-Heavenly ones and not he is becoming not give את-self eternal upon the Earth whom/straightly He Is he has given to yourselves
את-self eternal my word goddess upon and upon their eternal selves upon between
their eternal selves את-self eternal in the hand within themselves in the hand in the hand within a road
upon your house
in order that upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly He Is to themselves the Dual-Heavenly ones upon
for if your inner selves are to keep את-self eternal all/every this one whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves את-self eternal He Is mighty ones of yourselves within the whole in himself
He Is את-self eternal all/every the Nations the Goddess backside ones [nations] and a mighty throng from yourselves
all/every the Standing Place whom/straightly in himself to yourselves he is becoming from out the Desolate One from out and until the Sea he is becoming
not a man he is giving He Is mighty ones of yourselves upon faces all/every the Earth whom/straightly within herself as when he has ordered-words
he has seen my own self he has given The Day in the hand
את-self eternal whom/straightly toward commandments He Is mighty ones of yourselves whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves The Day
if not toward commandments He Is mighty ones of yourselves from out whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves The Day behind mighty ones behind ones whom/straightly not
and he has become for He Is gods of yourself toward the Earth whom/straightly your eternal self he has come there-her את-self eternal upon mountain and אֵת-self eternal upon mountain
themselves in the hand the Descent behind road the Sun in the earth he threw
for their eternal selves את-self eternal the Descent את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of yourselves he has given to yourselves your eternal self within herself
to make את-self eternal all/every and אֵת-self eternal the Judgements whom/straightly my own self he has given The Day