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Words 32

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RBT Paraphrase

A rock, he has begotten you, yourself is setting, and yourself has forgotten the god of her who whirls you.num

RBT Hebrew Literal

let your ear pay attention the Dual-Heavenly ones the Earth mouth
has spoken upon myself a tender-sprout upon myself
for name He Is give
they made for all/every judgement god and there is not unjustly Himself
to himself not
to He is this one Gathered People and not Is not Himself father of yourself Himself
duplicates father of yourself and they are speaking to yourself
in the hand Most High backside ones [nations] in the hand sons/my son man the peoples sons/my son God Straightened
for He Is Heel-Chaser
in the earth the wasteland
upon upon
He Is and there is not god
upon earth breasts rock/cliff
and milk with sons/my son and prepared leaders with and blood
in the hand in the hand
in the hand not goddess mighty ones not new ones they have come in not fathers of yourselves
rock/cliff he has fathered/begotten yourself yourself is setting and yourself has forgotton god she who whirls yourself
and he is seeing He Is
and he is saying faces I see what/how for themselves builders/sons not within themselves
themeselves god in the hand and myself in the hand Gathered People in the hand
for fire until/testimony Sheol earth foundations
within themselves
beasts within themselves with heat/fury
a sword a terror also also in the hand he is sucking with a man
has spoken
if not he who is hated a corner a corner and not He Is all/every this one
for nation themselves and there is not
to himself this one are distinguishing
where are you? one a thousand if not for and He Is
for not
for Scorched (Sodom) She-Has-Bound-Sheaves
Himself with myself in the hand
to myself vengeance for near day
for He Is and upon for he is being seen for
and he said where? upon rock/cliff in himself
whom/straightly he is
now for myself myself Himself and there is not mighty ones with myself myself and myself and there is not
for toward dual Heavens the hand of myself my own self
if in the hand in judgement the hand of myself I am causing to turn back vengeance
she/you eating and she has turned back he who is hated
backside ones [nations] for blood
and he is coming in Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is ordering words את-self eternal all/every my word this one in the hand the Gathered People Himself builder/son
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal all/every the Words the Goddess toward all/every God Straightened
and he is saying toward themselves the Words whom/straightly my own self The Day whom/straightly את-self eternal in the hand to keep watch over to make את-self eternal all/every my word this one
for not he has ordered-words Himself from yourselves for Himself this one days upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly their eternal selves את-self eternal the Descent there-her
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand The Day this one to say
ascending one toward mountain this one mountain whom/straightly in the earth whom/straightly upon faces he has seen/see את-self eternal earth whom/straightly myself he has given God Straightened
whom/straightly your eternal self ascending one there-her toward as when Inner Light ("Aaron") in the hand the Mount toward
upon whom/straightly within me in the center sons/my son God Straightened in the hand holy the wasteland upon whom/straightly not in the center sons/my son God Straightened
for from opposite את-self eternal the Earth and her name not toward the Earth whom/straightly myself he has given