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Words 4

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

God Straightened he has heard toward and toward/don't the Judgements whom/straightly my own self your eternal selves to make in order that את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly He Is mighty ones fathers of yourselves he has given to yourselves
not upon The Word whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves and not to keep watch over את-self eternal commandments He Is mighty ones of yourselves whom/straightly my own self commandment your eternal selves
את-self eternal whom/straightly he has made He Is within the owner/lord for all/every the Man whom/straightly has walked behind He Is gods of yourself
and you mighty ones of yourselves living ones the whole of yourselves The Day
he has seen your eternal selves as when He Is mighty ones to make an upright one within the center the Earth whom/straightly their eternal selves there-her
for Himself whom/straightly their inner selves are to hear את-self eternal all/every the Goddess and they are saying Gathered People the Great this one
for who nation whom/straightly to himself mighty ones toward himself mighty ones of ourselves within the whole toward himself
nation whom/straightly to himself this one whom/straightly my own self he has given The Day
to yourself very much a corner את-self eternal the Words whom/straightly the eye of yourself all/every days your living ones to builders/sons of yourself your builders/sons
day whom/straightly to the faces He Is gods of yourself in the hand He Is toward myself to myself את-self eternal the Gathered People את-self eternal my word whom/straightly their inner selves are to learn my eternal self all/every the Days whom/straightly themeselves living ones upon the Ground of Adam and אֵת-self eternal in the hand their inner selves are to learn
your inner selves are seq your inner selves are seq below the Mount within fire until/testimony a heart the Dual-Heavenly ones
and he is ordering words He Is toward yourselves from inside voice their eternal selves seeing ones voice
and he is opposite to yourselves את-self eternal in the hand whom/straightly your eternal selves to make the Words upon two building stones
He Is your eternal selves their eternal selves in the earth whom/straightly their eternal selves there-her
very much for not you all are seeing all/every embodiment/form within the Day he has ordered-words He Is toward yourselves in the hand from inside
a corner your inner selves are causing to ruin to yourselves carved image all/every or
all/every in the hand whom/straightly in the earth all/every a bird wing whom/straightly in the dual heavenly ones
all/every all/every whom/straightly in the dual waters from below to the earth
she/yourself is lifting up the eye of yourself את-self eternal the Sun and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal all/every the Dual-Heavenly ones to themselves whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself their eternal selves below all/every the Dual-Heavenly ones
he has taken He Is your eternal selves to himself this one
and He Is within me upon of the word in order that not את-self eternal the Descent he has come toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself
for my own self in the earth this one there is not of mine crossed over את-self eternal the Descent and you את-self eternal the Earth this one
to yourselves a corner את-self eternal in the hand He Is mighty ones of yourselves whom/straightly in company with yourselves to yourselves carved image all/every whom/straightly he commanded yourself He Is gods of yourself
for He Is gods of yourself fire Himself god
for builders/sons and sons builders/sons in the earth carved image all/every causing evil in the hand He Is gods of yourself
The Day את-self eternal the Dual-Heavenly ones and אֵת-self eternal the Earth for your inner selves are to perish upon the Earth whom/straightly their eternal selves את-self eternal the Descent there-her not your inner selves are causing to prolong days upon herself for your inner selves are being to destroy
He Is your eternal selves when a number/he who counts whom/straightly He Is your eternal selves there-her
name mighty ones the hand of myself man whom/straightly not their inner selves are to see and not their inner selves are to hear and not their inner selves are to eat and not their inner selves are causing to smell
את-self eternal He Is gods of yourself for within the whole
to yourself all/every the Words the Goddess in the last the Days and he has ceased until/testimony He Is gods of yourself in the hand
for god He Is gods of yourself not and not and not את-self eternal in the hand whom/straightly to themselves
for upon pray whom/straightly they have become The Day whom/straightly has cut-out mighty ones man upon the Earth the Dual-Heavenly ones and until the Dual-Heavenly ones the Great this one or
Gathered People voice mighty ones the wasteland from inside as when your eternal self
or mighty ones to himself nation nation in the hand in the hand whom/straightly he has made to yourselves He Is mighty ones of yourselves within Dual Siege to your dual eyes
your eternal self for He Is Himself the Gods there is not going around
from out the Dual-Heavenly ones את-self eternal and upon the Earth את-self eternal from inside
and below for has loved את-self eternal in the hand in the hand in the hand
backside ones [nations] and a mighty throng to yourself את-self eternal this one
The Day toward for He Is Himself the Gods in the dual heavenly ones from above and upon the Earth from below there is not going around
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly my own self The Day whom/straightly he is creating good to yourself and in order that days upon the Ground of Adam whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself all/every
at that time Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand the Descent
there-her whom/straightly את-self eternal and Himself not he hated to himself toward one from out
את-self eternal in the Desolate one in the earth and אֵת-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
and this one whom/straightly name Drawn Out ("Moses") to the faces sons/my son God Straightened
goddess whom/straightly he has ordered-words Drawn Out ("Moses") toward sons/my son God Straightened in the hand
in the hand the Descent within a valley house in the earth king whom/straightly he who is sitting in the hand whom/straightly Drawn Out ("Moses") and sons God Straightened in the hand
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal earth king two kings whom/straightly in the hand the Descent the place of rising
whom/straightly upon and until mountain Himself
and the whole crossed over the Descent and until a sea below