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Words 18

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

not he is becoming all/every rod/scepter with God Straightened He Is their inner selves are to eat
not he is becoming to himself within the center his brothers He Is Himself as when he has ordered-words to himself
he is becoming judgement the Gathered People if the traveler [ox] if each lamb and he is giving
flock of yourself give to himself
for in himself He Is gods of yourself in the hand He Is Himself all/every
he is coming God Straightened whom/straightly Himself name and he has come within the whole his breath/soul toward the Standing Place whom/straightly He Is
in the hand He Is upon his brothers name to the faces He Is
for your eternal self he has come toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself he has given to yourself not to make the Nations
not he is finding in the hand within fire
toward dual dead ones
for He Is all/every he has made goddess the Goddess He Is gods of yourself
she is becoming Gathered People He Is
for the Nations the Goddess whom/straightly your eternal self toward and toward/don't and your eternal self not an upright one he has given to yourself He Is gods of yourself
to yourself He Is gods of yourself toward himself your inner selves are to hear
whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself in the hand within the Day to say not את-self eternal voice He Is mighty ones and אֵת-self eternal this one not I see going around and not
and he is saying He Is toward myself whom/straightly they ordered words
to themselves my word in the mouth of himself toward themselves את-self eternal all/every whom/straightly
and he has become the Man whom/straightly not toward my word whom/straightly he is ordering words my spice/name my own self
Only the Prophet whom/straightly he has ordered-words my spice/name את-self eternal whom/straightly not and whom/straightly he is ordering words in the hand mighty ones behind ones the Prophet
she is speaking in your heart where are you? את-self eternal The Word whom/straightly not they ordered words He Is
whom/straightly he is ordering words the Prophet in the hand He Is and not he is becoming The Word and not he is coming Himself The Word whom/straightly not they ordered words He Is in the hand they ordered words the Prophet not