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Words 1

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

goddess the Words whom/straightly he has ordered-words Drawn Out ("Moses") toward all/every God Straightened in the hand the Descent in the Desolate one between and between gold
one ten day road mountain until/testimony holy
and he is becoming in the hand duplicate in the hand ten he has renewed in the hand to renew/new moon he has ordered-words Drawn Out ("Moses") toward sons/my son God Straightened whom/straightly He Is his eternal self toward themselves
behind את-self eternal king whom/straightly he who is sitting in the hand and אֵת-self eternal king whom/straightly he who is sitting in the hand in the hand
in the hand the Descent in the earth Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal this one to say
He Is mighty ones of ourselves he has ordered-words upon in the hand to say abundance to yourselves still one/resting one this one
to yourselves mountain and toward/don't all/every the Sea earth until/testimony
he has seen את-self eternal the Earth they have come in את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly He Is to Father of Multitude to He Laughs and to Heel Chaser to themselves
and he said upon to say not I am eating to lift your eternal selves
He Is mighty ones of yourselves your eternal selves The Day the Dual-Heavenly ones
He Is mighty ones a thousand your eternal selves as when he has ordered-words to yourselves
where are you?
give to yourselves mortal men in the hand
my eternal self good one The Word whom/straightly to make
את-self eternal my head mortal men their eternal selves
את-self eternal to say he has heard between just-one between a man and between his brothers and between
not in judgement your inner selves are to hear not a man for Himself whom/straightly from yourselves your inner selves are causing to present toward myself
your eternal selves את-self eternal all/every the Words whom/straightly your inner selves are to make
את-self eternal all/every the Desolate One the Great and the Feared-one whom/straightly you all are seeing road mountain as when He Is mighty ones of ourselves until/testimony holy
and he said upon until/testimony mountain whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of ourselves he has given to ourselves
he has seen he has given He Is gods of yourself את-self eternal the Earth ascending one as when he has ordered-words He Is mighty ones to yourself do not and toward/don't below
your inner selves are seq toward myself the whole of yourselves mortal men to ourselves את-self eternal the Earth he has ordered-words את-self eternal whom/straightly within herself and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly
in the hand The Word from yourselves ten mortal men a man one
and they are climbing up until/testimony your eternal self
and they are taking hold the Earth upon he has ordered-words and they are speaking the Earth whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of ourselves he has given to ourselves
and not את-self eternal mouth He Is mighty ones of yourselves
in the hand He Is from the earth of Dual-Siege in the hand
את-self eternal to say Gathered People in the dual heavenly ones and also sons/my son name
and he said upon not your inner selves are to tremble and not your inner selves are to fear
He Is mighty ones of yourselves the One who walks Himself to yourselves whom/straightly he has made your eternal selves within Dual Siege
whom/straightly whom/straightly He Is gods of yourself as when he is lifting up a man את-self eternal in the hand within the whole whom/straightly until/testimony until/testimony the Standing Place this one
this one mighty ones of yourselves
the One who walks within a road to yourselves within fire her night within a road whom/straightly within herself in daytime
and he is hearing He Is את-self eternal voice of the word to say
if he is being seen a man the Goddess causing evil this one את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly I have been sevened
builder/son Himself את-self eternal the Earth whom/straightly road within herself for the purpose/because whom/straightly behind He Is
also within me He Is to say also your eternal self not name
He is Salvation builder/son Himself he is coming there-her his eternal self for Himself את-self eternal God Straightened
whom/straightly he is becoming whom/straightly not they have perceived The Day good one themselves there-her I am giving herself and themselves
and you to yourselves road a sea
toward myself to He is whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of ourselves a man את-self eternal
and he is saying He Is toward myself he has said to themselves not and not for there is not of mine in the hand and not to the faces
toward yourselves and not את-self eternal mouth He Is
and he is going out your eternal selves as when the Words your eternal selves in the hand until/testimony
to the faces He Is and not he has heard He Is in the hand and not toward yourselves
days multitudes whom/straightly