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RBT Paraphrase


RBT Hebrew Literal

road a sea as when he has ordered-words He Is toward myself את-self eternal mountain days
and he is saying He Is toward myself to say
abundance to yourselves את-self eternal the Mount this one to yourselves
and אֵת-self eternal the Gathered People to say their eternal selves sons/my son they have made in the hand from yourselves very much
do not within themselves for not to yourselves until/testimony foot for את-self eternal mountain
in the hand and also dual water
for He Is gods of yourself within the whole has perceived את-self eternal the Desolate One this one this one duplicate He Is gods of yourself not he has ordered-words
sons/my son they have made in the hand road the wasteland
and he is saying He Is toward myself toward את-self eternal and toward/don't within themselves war for not to yourself for את-self eternal he who is awake
the Mothers/Tribes within herself Gathered People and abundant
yea/a nostril/anger themeselves to themselves
and sons they have made as when he has made God Straightened to the earth whom/straightly he has given He Is to themselves
now to yourselves את-self eternal את-self eternal
whom/straightly until/testimony whom/straightly את-self eternal thirty duplicate until/testimony all/every the Camp as when He Is to themselves
and also He Is she has become within themselves the Camp until/testimony
and he is becoming as when all/every to die
and he is ordering words He Is toward myself to say
your eternal self crossed over The Day את-self eternal את-self eternal he who is awake
sons/my son do not and toward/don't within themselves for not from the earth sons/my son to yourself for
earth yea/a nostril/anger Himself within herself to themselves
Gathered People and abundant He Is
as when he has made they have made in the hand whom/straightly את-self eternal until/testimony The Day this one
until/testimony fierce one
את-self eternal he has seen את-self eternal king and אֵת-self eternal in himself war
The Day this one upon faces below all/every the Dual-Heavenly ones whom/straightly their inner selves are to hear
toward king my word peace to say
in the hand within a road within a road I am walking not
give to myself in the hand
as when they have made to myself sons/my son they have made in the hand in the hand until/testimony whom/straightly את-self eternal the Descent toward the Earth whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of ourselves he has given to ourselves
and not king in himself for He Is gods of yourself את-self eternal את-self eternal in order that
and he is saying He Is toward myself he has seen את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal את-self eternal
and he is going out Himself and the whole
He Is mighty ones of ourselves his eternal self and אֵת-self eternal in the hand and אֵת-self eternal all/every
את-self eternal all/every את-self eternal all/every an awake city remedy not a survivor
to ourselves whom/straightly
whom/straightly upon whom/straightly and until not she has become meeting-city whom/straightly את-self eternal he has given He Is mighty ones of ourselves
toward earth sons/my son not all/every the Mount and the whole whom/straightly He Is mighty ones of ourselves