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Deuteronomy 32:18

A rock, he has begotten you, yourself is setting, and yourself has forgotten the god of her who whirls you.num


Deu. 32:18

Strong's #2342. חוּל to whirl, spin, dance. The Hebrew מחלל is a participle that does not carry a gender in itself. So it can be interpreted as "he who whirls" or "she who whirls." The word is used in the context of a woman dancing, or in labor, rephaim "ghosts", Yahweh, the dual waters, the earth, lady wisdom, hands, etc. The supposed use in Genesis 8:10 is more properly from chalal "to bore/pierce."

Interestingly, though it is associated with a woman being in labor, such contexts do not include any actual words for pain. The word itself has been translated into "anguish/travail/pain." The definition of "pain/travail" given by the lexicons is not accurate and in fact directly contradicts its use in the context of "spinning in dance":

if the daughters are coming out of Tranquil ("Shiloh") to whirl around [חוּל] in the dances... (Judges 21:21 RBT)