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Daniel 2

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RBT Paraphrase

mega ones1 to herself upon all/every Confusion ("Babel") and abundant upon all/every Confusion ("Babel")

RBT Hebrew Literal

dual/twofold a dream upon himself
and he is saying The King to the King and they are standing firm to the faces The King
and he is saying to themselves The King a dream I have dreamed spirits/my spirit את-self eternal
to the King the King living ones/my life he has said the Dream
He eyed the King and he said the Discourse favor/grace/lo! not the Dream
the Dream and value/honor very much in the hand from out of the Dream
the King the Dream he is saying
He eyed the King and he said from out of has perceived ah please! which all which which the Discourse
which favor/grace/lo! the Dream not one herself until which the Dream myself which
the King not mortal-man upon/against which the King all which all king multiplying one not to all
and the Discourse which and other one not which the King which together with/a people not
all this one the King in the hand very much and he said to all Confusion ("Babel")
God is My Judge ("Daniel")
in that time God is My Judge ("Daniel") and a tasting multiplying one which the King which Confusion ("Babel")
He eyed and he said which the King upon/against what/how from out of the King Then the Discourse
upon/against from out of the King which an appointed time to herself
Then God is My Judge ("Daniel") the Discourse
from out of these/mighty-one/goddess the Heavenly ones upon/against this one which not God is My Judge ("Daniel") together with/a people Confusion ("Babel")
Then in the hand which the Night Then God is My Judge ("Daniel") he has blessed/kneeled the Heavenly ones
He eyed God is My Judge ("Daniel") and he said there-her which upon from out of the Eternal One and until the Eternal One which which to herself herself
and Himself kings kings was given
Himself has perceived what/how
to yourself/walk these/mighty-one/goddess ah please! which myself which which the King
all this one God is My Judge ("Daniel") upon/against upon/against which the King Confusion ("Babel") and thus he has said to herself Confusion ("Babel") do not the King
Then in the hand the King and thus he has said to herself which he has become mighty/warrior from out of sons/my son which which
He eyed the King and he said which there-her the Dream which
He eyed God is My Judge ("Daniel") the King and he said which the King not
in the hand these/mighty-one/goddess Nebukadnetstsar what/how which in the latter end the Days and the visions the head of yourself upon/against this one
the King upon/against what/how which the behind one this one what/how which
not which within me from out of all this one myself upon/against which a heart of yourself
the King he beheld I became and Look! one very much crushed multiplying one
Himself the head of himself which which silver which a serpent
which iron which iron which
he beheld I became until which stone which not in the hand upon/against which Roaring-Multitude
in that time from out of and he has carried Roaring-Multitude and every/all not to themselves which she became multiplying one all the Earth
this one the Dream the King
the King king which these/mighty-one/goddess the Heavenly ones the Queens and he is summoning was given to yourself/walk
which sons/my son the Mortal has cut-out and a bird the Heavenly ones was given in the hand Himself the head of himself which of gold
you/she standing up reign the behind one the Earth and reign of himself the behind one which which within the whole the Earth
and reign of himself quartered she is becoming all which which all these
which iron reign in the hand which within herself all which
iron from out of the Queens
which to themselves the Mortal and not to themselves this one together with/a people this one not together with/a people
which these/mighty-one/goddess the Heavenly ones reign which not and the Queens to the people not all these the Queens and herself you/she standing up
all which which stone which not in the hand these/mighty-one/goddess multiplying one what/how which the behind one this one the Dream
in that time the King Nebukadnetstsar upon/against he has said to herself
He eyed the King and he said from out of which upon Himself these/mighty-one/goddess kings And he uncovered which this one
Then the King mega ones was given to herself upon/against all Confusion ("Babel") and abundant upon/against all Confusion ("Babel")
in the hand from out of the King upon/against which Confusion ("Babel")