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Daniel 7

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RBT Paraphrase

"In one he is ordering, within a pair he is not beholding her" Job 33:14
Within a duplicate of one, God is My Judge ("Daniel") beheld a dream about Lord Protect the King ("BelShazzar"), a king of Confusion ("Babel"), and visions of the head of himself upon the bed of himself. In that time he wrote the Dream, he spoke of the head of discourses.
God is My Judge ("Daniel") eyed, and he said, "I was beholding within the vision of myself, in company with the Night, and Look! four spirits of heavenly ones, those who are causing the Mega Sea to burst forth!
דא מן דא - This one From This One - Changing the Mind
And four mega animals, those who climb up from out of the Sea, those who are changing this one because of this one.

The Front one was like a lion, and she had wings of an eagle. I was beholding while the wings of herself were plucked off, and she was borne up from out of the Earth, and she was made to stand upon dual-feet like a mortal, and the heart of a mortal was given to herself.

"An eye, she did not cover you, to make yourself one from these, to have compassion on yourself. And you are being thrown out toward the faces of the Field, in an abhorrence of the soul of yourself, within the day of the Birthing of your eternal self!
And I am crossing over above yourself, and I am seeing yourself...
..and I am spreading the wing of myself over yourself..."(Ezekiel 16:5-8 RBT)
"Plucked Wings""You became one who stamps on herself within the blood of yourself..."(Ezekiel 16:22 RBT)

And Look! A second animal behind, she who is like a bear, and she was made to stand on one side, and three ribs in the mouth of herself between the two of herself, and thus those who tell herself, "Stand, Devour much flesh!"
The Earth of "Dual-Siege"
Teeth like lions, devouring her prey...
three ribs = three men....

Queen Vashti Dominates...
Within this place I was beholding, and Look! the one behind was like a leopard, and she had four wings of a bird upon the backs of herself, and the Animal had four heads, and a dominion was given to herself.
Within this place I was beholding within the vision of myself in the Night, and Look! A quartered animal, she who is fearsome and awesome and of extraordinary strength! And she has teeth of iron, great ones, she who devours, and she who crushes, and she who tramples down the remaining ones within the foot of herself! And herself is she who has changed from out of every Animal which is in front of herself, and she has ten dual-horns!
five maidens, five maidens
dreaming in the Night

Vashti ("The Best") Overthrown...
I was making myself prudent within the Dual Horns, and Look! A little horn behind has climbed up between themselves! And three from out of the front dual-horns uprooted themselves from out of the front of herself, and Look! dual-eyes like the eyes of the Mortal within this Horn! And a mouth of him who chatters great things.
I was beholding until the thrones have been cast, and the ancient one of days has sat down. The garment of himself like white snow, and the hair of the head of himself like pure wool. The throne of himself is flames of fire, the wheels of himself are fire, he who burns.
Wheels of Fire.
Wheels of Genesis.

"And Angels minstered to him..."
A river of fire, he who is opposite, and he who goes forth from out of the front of himself, a thousand of thousands are ministering to himself, and ten thousand of ten thousands are standing ready in front of himself. The Judgement sat down, and books have been opened.
The Little Horn
I was beholding within that time because of a voice of the Mega Discourses of the Horn, she who is chattering. I was beholding until the Animal was slain, and the body of herself was lost, and she was given to the blazing fire.
And the remnant of the Animals protested the dominion of themselves. And a length within living ones was given to themselves, until an appointed time and a period of time.
Wise Men from the Front "East"
I was beholding within the vision of myself in the Night, and Look! he was coming in company with clouds of heavenly ones, like a son of a mortal! And he has reached as far as the ancient one of the Days! And they drew near to himself, in front of himself!
Wise men came away from the Front "East", reaching the "Ancient of Days"...

He Takes Back what is His, A Queen who does not Act Corruptly
And to himself was given dominion and value/honor and the reign of himself. And all of the Peoples, the Bands of People, and the Tongues are serving himself. The dominion of himself is a dominion of an eternal one which is not passing away, and the queen of himself is one who is not corrupting herself.1
She was grieved, the spirit of myself, me, God is My Judge ("Daniel"), within the middle of her sheath, and the visions my head were troubling myself.
I have drawn near on account of one, from out of those who are standing, and I have asked for the True One from him, on account of all of this, and he spoke to myself. And he caused me to see an interpretation of the Discourses.
These Mega Animals are themselves four of four kings. They are standing up from out of the Earth.
And they are receiving the Queens, holy ones, the most high ones, and they are treasuring up the Queens until the Eternal One and until an eternal one of the Eternal Ones.
The Duplicate: A Constructed Nightmare
Then I waged war to stand firm against the Quartered Animal. She has become a duplicate who is more fearsome than all of them, exceeding the duplicate of iron, and the claws of herself of a serpent, she who devours, she who crushes, and she who tramples down the remaining ones in the foot of herself.
"I was making myself wise in between..."
1st: Wings of an Eagle... vs. 2nd: Claws of a Serpent...
"Come to me, and I will fullfill all your dreams.... "
(a.k.a the five books of torah changed into "five claws of sheolah hell")

The Wound of Herself, The Head
And against the ten Dual Horns which are within the head of herself, and behind whom she has climbed up, and three have fallen from out of the front of herself, and the Horn is a crushed one,3 and she has eyes, and a mouth of him who chatters mega things, and the vision of herself is greater than the companion of herself.
דך #1790 - Crushing blow of the Horn.

"And the Dual Heavenly Ones were able, and the Earth, and the whole army of them" Genesis 2:1
I was beholding the Horn, this one, she who is making a battle in company with the holy ones, and she who is able for themselves,
the little Horn
The Little HornThe Foundation of Peace "Jerushalem" above, the mother of all of ourselves

Running the Race
until the ancient one of the Days has arrived, and the Justice has been given to the holy ones of the most high ones, and he has reached the Appointed Time, and the holy ones have treasured up the Queens.
רביעיא - Foursquare
Thus he spoke, "The Quartered Animal, she is a quartered queen within the Earth who is hated more than of all the Queens, and she is devouring the whole Earth, and she is treading her down, and she is crushing her.
מנה - measure/portion/weight
And the ten Dual Horns are a measure2 of the Queens. Ten kings are standing up, and a following one is standing up behind themselves. And Himself, he is hated more than the Front Ones. And he is bringing down three kings.
The Hand of Sheolah
And he is uttering discourses to the side of the highest one, and he is making to fail the holy ones, the most high ones, and he is hoping to change appointed times and a royal law, and they are giving themselves into the hand of himself until a period of time, and periods of time, and a period of time divided in half.
"And one of those who have been hanged, of workers of evil, was blaspheming himself. No! You are yourself the Anointed One, save yourself, and ourselves!"

(Luke 23:39 RBT)

And the Justice sat down, and they are making the dominion of himself to pass away, to annihilate and to cause to perish, until the End.

The Mother of Life Multiplies
And the Queens, and the Dominion, and the Multiplied One of queens under all the Heavenly ones, she has been given to the people, the holy ones, the most high ones. The Queens are Queens of an eternal one, and all the Dominions are ministering to herself, and they are hearing themselves!
"Toward the Woman he said, "She is causing to multiply; I am multiplying the inner afflicted one of yourself, and the inner pregnant one of yourself. In sorrow you are begetting sons!"(Genesis 3:16 RBT)

The End-aim of the Discourse is until this point. Myself is God is My Judge ("Daniel"); very much the thoughts of myself were disturbing me, and the bright countenances of myself are changing themselves on account of myself, and I have guarded the Discourse within the heart of myself.

RBT Hebrew Literal

in the duplicate one of Lord Protect the King ("BelShazzar") king Confusion ("Babel") God is My Judge ("Daniel") a dream he beheld and the visions the head of himself upon the bed of himself in that time the Dream he wrote/writing head discourses he has said
He eyed God is My Judge ("Daniel") and he said he beheld I became in the vision of myself together with the Night And Look! four spirits/my spirit the Heavenly ones those who are causing to burst forth the Sea Abundant
and four animals mega ones those who climb up from out of the Sea those who changed this one from out of this one
the front/east ones like a lion and wings which an eagle to herself/himself he beheld I became until which they were plucked off the wings of herself and she has been picked up from out of the Earth and upon dual-feet like a mortal-man she was made to stand and the heart mortal-man was given to herself/himself
And Look! animal the behind one a second one she who is like to a bear and on the side one she was made to stand and three ribs in the mouth of herself in between the second one and thus those who say to herself/himself Stand Devour flesh very much
Within a place this one he beheld I became And Look! the behind one like a leopard and to herself/himself wings four which bird upon the backs of herself and four heads to the Animal and a dominion was given to herself/himself
Within a place this one he beheld I became in the vision of myself the Night And Look! animal quartered she who is fearsome and awesome and strength extraordinary and teeth which iron to herself/himself mega ones she who devours and she who crushes and the remaining ones in the feet of herself she who stamps down and herself she who has changed from out of all the Animal which in front of herself and dual-horns ten to herself/himself
he who makes himself prudent I became within the dual-horns and Look! a horn the behind one little one she has climbed up between themselves and three from out of dual-horns the front/east ones they uprooted themselves from out of in front of herself and Look! dual-eyes like eyes the Mortal within the Horn this one and a mouth him who chatters mega ones
he beheld I became until which the thrones have been cast and the ancient one days he sat down the garment of himself like snow white and the hair the head of himself like wool pure the throne of himself flames which fire wheels of himself fire he who burns
a stream which fire opposite/counter and he who goes forth from out of in front of himself a thousand thousands they are ministering to him and ten thousand of ten thousands in front of himself are standing ready the Judgement he sat down and books have been opened
he beheld I became in that time from out of voice the discourses the Mega ones which the Horn she who is chattering he beheld I became until which she was slain the Animal was lost and the body of herself and she was given to the blazing fire
and the remaining one the Animal they protested the dominion of themselves a length within living ones she was given to themselves until an appointed time and a period of time
he beheld I became in the vision of myself the Night And Look! together with clouds the Heavenly ones like a son mortal-man your eternal self he has become and until ancient one the Days he has reached/found and in front of himself they have brought near himself
and to herself/himself was given dominion and value/honor and reign of himself and every/all the Peoples the Bands of People and the Tongues to herself/himself they are ministering to dominion of himself dominion eternal one which not he is passing away and the Queens which not she is not corrupting herself
she was grieved spirits/my spirit myself God is My Judge ("Daniel") within the body her sheath and the visions my head they were disturbing me
I have drawn near upon one from out of those who stood and the True one I asked for portion/part/weight upon all this one and he said to myself and an interpretation the discourses he caused me to perceive
these the Animal the Mega ones which themselves four four kings are standing ready from out of the Earth
and they are receiving the Queens holy ones the most high ones and they are possessing the Queens until the Eternal One and until eternal one the Eternal Ones
Then I waged war to stand firm upon the Animal the Fourth One which she became the second one from out of all of them she who is fearsome exceeding the second one which iron and claws of herself which a serpent she who devours she who crushes and the remaining ones in the feet of herself she who stamps down
and upon dual-horns ten which within the head of herself and the one behind which she has climbed up and they fell from out of in front of herself three and the Horn crushed and eyes to herself/himself and a mouth him who chatters mega ones and I saw great one from out of companion of herself
he beheld I became and the Horn crushed she who is making he has drawn near/battle together with the holy ones and she who is able to themselves
until which he has arrived ancient one the Days the Justice was given to the holy ones the most high ones and the Appointed Time he has reached/found and the Queens they have treasured up the holy ones
an upright one he has said the Animal the Fourth One reign Quartered she is becoming within the Earth which she is hated from out of all the Queens and she is eating all the Earth and she is treading down herself and she is crushing her
and dual horns ten portion/part/weight the Queens ten kings they are standing up and other one he is standing up behind themselves and Himself he is hated from out of the Front Ones and three kings he is abasing
and discourses to the side the highest one he is uttering and to the holy ones the most high ones wearing out/making to fail and he is hoping to change appointed times and a royal decree and they are giving themselves into the hand of himself until a period of time and periods of time and divided in half a period of time
the Justice he sat down and his dominion they are causing to pass away to annihilate and to cause to perish until the End
and the Queens and the Dominion and the Multiplied One which queens under all the Heavenly ones she was given to the people holy ones the most high ones the Queens queens eternal one and every/all the Dominions to herself/himself they are ministering to and they are hearing themselves
until this point the End which the Discourse myself God is My Judge ("Daniel") very much thoughts of myself they were disturbing me and the bright countenances of myself they are changing themselves upon myself and the Discourse within the heart of myself I have guarded