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Names 8

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") he has said toward Inner Light ("Aaron") את-self eternal in the hand upon upon and upon את-self eternal upon earth of Dual-Siege
and he is stretching out Inner Light ("Aaron") את-self eternal hand of himself upon of Dual-Siege את-self eternal earth of Dual-Siege
an upright one in the hand and they are climbing up את-self eternal upon earth of Dual-Siege
and he is summoning and he is saying toward He Is from myself את-self eternal the Gathered People to He is
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") upon myself to yourself
and he is saying and he is saying as the ordered word of yourself in order that for there is not mighty ones of ourselves

and he is going out Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light Drawn Out ("Moses") toward He Is upon he has ordered-words whom/straightly name
He Is Drawn Out ("Moses") from out from out
their eternal selves the Earth
and he is seeing for she has become את-self eternal and not he has heard toward themselves as when he has ordered-words He Is
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") he has said toward Inner Light ("Aaron") את-self eternal את-self eternal the Earth and he has become within the whole earth of Dual-Siege
an upright one and he is stretching out Inner Light ("Aaron") את-self eternal hand of himself את-self eternal the Earth and she has become all/every the Earth he has become within the whole earth of Dual-Siege
an upright one in the hand את-self eternal and not they are finished and she has become
and they are speaking toward mighty ones Himself a heart and not he has heard toward themselves as when he has ordered-words He Is
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to the faces Behold and you have said toward himself thus he has said He Is he has sent my Gathered
for if את-self eternal my Gathered in the hand את-self eternal the Dusk of Dual-Siege את-self eternal the Dusk and also the Ground of Adam whom/straightly themeselves upon herself
within the Day את-self eternal earth whom/straightly my Gathered he stood upon herself in order that not name in order that for myself He Is within the center the Earth
between my Gathered and between he is becoming this one
He Is an upright one and he is coming in make heavy/honor the house of herself earth of Dual-Siege the Earth the Dusk
and he is summoning toward Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is saying walk! in the earth
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") not he who is erected to make an upright one for of Dual-Siege to He is mighty ones of ourselves favor/grace/lo! את-self eternal of Dual-Siege and not
road days in the Desolate one to He is mighty ones of ourselves as when he is saying
and he is saying my own self your eternal selves to He is mighty ones of yourselves in the Desolate one not
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") Behold my own self toward He Is the Dusk tomorrow do not in order that not he has sent את-self eternal the Gathered People to He is
and he is going out Drawn Out ("Moses") toward He Is
He Is Drawn Out ("Moses") the Dusk not one
את-self eternal also this one and not he has sent את-self eternal