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Names 40

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RBT Paraphrase

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
within the Day the New Moon in the hand to renew/new moon את-self eternal
and you have set name את-self eternal upon את-self eternal
את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal
את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice to the faces and you have set את-self eternal
את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice to the faces
את-self eternal between and between name dual water
and you have set את-self eternal circling את-self eternal
את-self eternal את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal all/every whom/straightly in himself his eternal self and אֵת-self eternal all/every and he has become holy
את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice and אֵת-self eternal all/every את-self eternal and he has become holy
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal his eternal self
את-self eternal Inner Light ("Aaron") and אֵת-self eternal toward their eternal selves in the dual waters
את-self eternal Inner Light ("Aaron") את-self eternal his eternal self his eternal self to myself
and אֵת-self eternal their eternal selves
their eternal selves as when את-self eternal to myself and she has become to themselves
Drawn Out ("Moses") whom/straightly He Is his eternal self an upright one
and he is becoming in the new moon in the hand to renew/new moon
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal in the hand את-self eternal
את-self eternal the Tent upon את-self eternal the Tent upon himself as when He Is את-self eternal
and he is taking את-self eternal toward את-self eternal upon את-self eternal upon
and he is coming in את-self eternal toward את-self eternal upon as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal in the hand upon
upon himself loaf to the faces He Is as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal in the hand upon
to the faces He Is as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice in the hand to the faces
upon himself smoke/incense as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal
and אֵת-self eternal place of slaughter/sacrifice name upon himself את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal between and between there-her dual water
Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
in the hand toward toward as when He Is את-self eternal
את-self eternal circling את-self eternal Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal
את-self eternal and glory He Is את-self eternal
and not Drawn Out ("Moses") toward for upon himself and glory He Is את-self eternal
upon sons/my son God Straightened within the whole
and if not and not until/testimony day
for He Is upon in daytime she is becoming her night in himself all/every house God Straightened within the whole