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Names 23

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RBT Hebrew Literal

not she/yourself is lifting up he has heard false do not with until/testimony
not she is becoming behind multitudes and not she/you are eyeing upon abundance behind multitudes
not in the hand
for the traveler [ox] or to himself
for below to himself
not judgement in the hand
the wasteland false one do not for not
not for my word just ones
not את-self eternal soul for in the earth of Dual-Siege
את-self eternal את-self eternal
she/you eating an upright one she/yourself is making
six days she/yourself is making the Seventh one in order that builder/son
whom/straightly has spoken toward yourselves mighty ones behind ones not not upon of the mouth of yourself
dual feet to myself
את-self eternal she is guarding seven days she/you eating commandments as when he has renewed for in himself and not faces
whom/straightly in the hand the duplicate in the hand את-self eternal from out
he is being seen all/every toward faces He Is
not upon blood and not he is lodging the night until/testimony
house He Is gods of yourself not
Behold my own self he has sent to guard yourself within a road toward the Standing Place whom/straightly
in the hand do not in himself for not he is lifting up for my name in the hand
for if he has heard in the hand and you have made all/every whom/straightly את-self eternal hated ones of yourself את-self eternal
for My-Messenger toward
not you/she are bowing yourself down and not you/she are working them and not she/yourself is making for and the fracture
את-self eternal He Is mighty ones of yourselves את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
not she is becoming in the hand את-self eternal a number/he who counts the days of yourself
את-self eternal את-self eternal all/every the Gathered People whom/straightly את-self eternal all/every hated ones of yourself upon yourself
את-self eternal את-self eternal את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal
not in the hand one a corner she is becoming the Earth a wasteland upon yourself
a little one a little one until/testimony whom/straightly את-self eternal the Earth
את-self eternal dual water and until a sea Dual Wallowers until/testimony for in the hand את-self eternal the Earth
not to themselves in the hand
not in the hand a corner your eternal self to myself for you are working את-self eternal upon for he is becoming to yourself