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RBT Paraphrase

And toward Drawn Out ("Moses") he said, "Ascend toward He Is your eternal self, and Inner Light ("Aaron"), Volunteer ("Nadab"), My Father is Himself ("Abihu"), and seventy from the aged men of God Straightened, and you all have bowed to yourselves from a remote time/place.1

RBT Hebrew Literal

and toward/don't Drawn Out ("Moses") he has said ascending one toward He Is your eternal self and Inner Light Volunteer My Father Himself and seventy from aged men God Straightened and you all have worshiped yourselves from a remote time/place
Drawn Out ("Moses") to his separation toward He Is and themselves not not
and he is coming in Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal all/every my word He Is and אֵת-self eternal all/every the Judgements all/every the Gathered People voice one and they are speaking all/every the Words whom/straightly he has ordered-words He Is we are making
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal all/every my word He Is place of slaughter/sacrifice below the Mount ten God Straightened
את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened and they are climbing up to He is of split asunder ones
and he is taking Drawn Out ("Moses") down below down below upon
and he is taking a book and he is summoning in the hand the Gathered People and they are speaking all/every whom/straightly he has ordered-words He Is we are making
and he is taking Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal down below upon the Gathered People and he is saying Behold blood whom/straightly He Is in company with yourselves upon all/every the Words the Goddess
Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light Volunteer My Father Himself and seventy from aged men God Straightened
את-self eternal mighty ones God Straightened and below the feet of himself the Dual-Heavenly ones
and toward/don't sons/my son God Straightened not he has sent hand of himself את-self eternal the Gods
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") ascending one toward myself and he has become name to yourself את-self eternal whom/straightly
Drawn Out ("Moses") Drawn Out ("Moses") toward mountain the Gods
and toward/don't he has said to ourselves until/testimony whom/straightly toward yourselves and behold! Inner Light ("Aaron") in company with yourselves who toward themselves
Drawn Out ("Moses") toward the Mount את-self eternal the Mount
He Is upon mountain six days and he is summoning toward Drawn Out ("Moses") within the Day the Seventh one from inside
He Is like a fire in the head the Mount sons/my son God Straightened
and he is coming in Drawn Out ("Moses") in the center toward the Mount and he is becoming Drawn Out ("Moses") day