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Names 26

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RBT Hebrew Literal

and אֵת-self eternal she/yourself is making ten Six two she/yourself is making their eternal selves
four one
a woman toward a woman toward
and you have made upon she/yourself is making
she/yourself is making she/yourself is making whom/straightly a woman toward
and you have made gold את-self eternal a woman toward and he has become
and you have made upon she/yourself is making their eternal selves
thirty four one to the woman of myself
את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal Six את-self eternal toward faces the Tent
and you have made upon upon
and you have made את-self eternal את-self eternal the Tent and he has become one
the Remaining the Tent upon behind
well of yourself the Tent he is becoming upon
and you have made
and you have made את-self eternal
a woman toward an upright one she/yourself is making
and you have made את-self eternal twenty/rich ones
masters silver she/yourself is making below twenty/rich ones two below below
twenty/rich ones
silver two below below
her sea she/yourself is making
she/yourself is making
and they are becoming they are becoming upon toward an upright one he is becoming they are becoming
silver ten two below below
and you have made
her sea
in the center from out toward
and אֵת-self eternal gold and אֵת-self eternal in the hand she/yourself is making gold את-self eternal gold
את-self eternal whom/straightly
and you have made two he is making your eternal self
your eternal self upon pillars gold gold upon masters silver
את-self eternal below there-her from the house את-self eternal to yourselves between and between holy
את-self eternal upon in the hand
and you have set את-self eternal and אֵת-self eternal upon give upon
and you have made to open the Tent two
and you have made pillars their eternal selves gold gold to themselves masters