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RBT Paraphrase

And he is speaking toward themselves, "He Is ("Yahweh") has spoken Himself straightly. The still/sitting one is a holy still one to He Is ("Yahweh"), tomorrow. The self eternal whom yourselves are baking they have baked, and the self eternal whom yourselves are boiling they have boiled, and the self eternal whole of the Remaining they have left behind to yourselves for the watch until the Dawn.

RBT Hebrew Literal

all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened toward the wasteland whom/straightly between and between ten day to renew/new moon from the earth of Dual-Siege
all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened upon Drawn Out ("Moses") and upon Inner Light ("Aaron") in the Desolate one
and they are speaking toward themselves sons/my son God Straightened who he is giving in the hand He Is in the earth of Dual-Siege in the hand upon in the hand loaf for toward the Desolate One this one את-self eternal all/every this one
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to yourselves loaf from out the Dual-Heavenly ones and he is going out the Gathered People word day in the hand in order that in the hand if not
and he has become within the Day את-self eternal whom/straightly and he has become upon whom/straightly day
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") and Inner Light toward all/every sons/my son God Straightened for He Is your eternal selves from the earth of Dual-Siege
את-self eternal He Is in the hand את-self eternal upon He Is what/how for upon ourselves
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand He Is to yourselves and a loaf He Is את-self eternal whom/straightly their eternal selves upon himself what/how not upon ourselves for upon He Is
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward Inner Light ("Aaron") he has said toward all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened to the faces He Is for he has heard את-self eternal
and he is becoming Inner Light ("Aaron") toward all/every witness sons/my son God Straightened toward the Desolate One and behold! He Is
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to say
את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened he has ordered-words toward themselves to say between you all are eating in the hand loaf for myself He Is mighty ones of yourselves
and he is becoming את-self eternal the Camp she has become circling
and behold! upon faces the Desolate One he was crushed finely he was crushed finely upon the Earth
sons/my son God Straightened and they are speaking a man toward his brothers from out Himself for not they have perceived what/how Himself and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward themselves Himself whom/straightly he has given He Is to yourselves
this one The Word whom/straightly He Is a man they ate a number/he who counts a man in the hand
an upright one sons/my son God Straightened
and not not a man they ate
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward themselves a man do not until/testimony
and not Hear toward Drawn Out ("Moses") mortal men until/testimony Drawn Out ("Moses")
his eternal self a man they ate the Sun
and he is becoming within the Day loaf two all/every
and he is saying toward themselves Himself whom/straightly he has ordered-words He Is the inner still one still one/resting one holy to He is tomorrow את-self eternal whom/straightly you are baking they have baked and אֵת-self eternal whom/straightly you are boiling they have boiled and אֵת-self eternal all/every the Remaining they have caused to rest/remain to yourselves for the watch until/testimony the Dawn
his eternal self until/testimony the Dawn as when Drawn Out ("Moses") and not not she has become in himself
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") The Day for still one/resting one The Day to He is The Day not
six days the Seventh one still one/resting one not he is becoming in himself
and he is becoming within the Day the Seventh one from out the Gathered People and not
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") until/testimony to keep watch over
for He Is he has given to yourselves The Still One upon an upright one Himself he has given to yourselves within the Day loaf a man do not a man within the Day the Seventh one
the Gathered People within the Day
house God Straightened את-self eternal his name from out and Himself
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") this one The Word whom/straightly He Is for the watch in order that את-self eternal whom/straightly your eternal selves in the Desolate one in the hand your eternal selves from the earth of Dual-Siege
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward Inner Light ("Aaron") take one there-her from out his eternal self to the faces He Is for the watch
as when He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") Inner Light ("Aaron") to the faces for the watch
and sons God Straightened they ate את-self eternal duplicate until/testimony toward earth את-self eternal they ate until/testimony toward earth
the Ephah