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RBT Paraphrase

And He is Salvation is hearing self eternal voice of the Gathered People within an Evil one, and he is saying toward Drawn Out, "A voice of war is within the Camping Place."
And he is becoming when he has drawn near toward the Camping Place. And he is seeing the self eternal Round One and whirling ones, and he is kindling an anger of Drawn Out, and he is throwing from the hand of himself the self eternal Tablets, and he is breaking their eternal selves below the Mount.
And he is taking the self eternal Round one whom they have made, and he is burning within fire, and he is grinding until him whom was finely crushed, and he is scattering upon the faces the Dual Water, and he is kissing1 the self eternal sons of God Straightened.

RBT Hebrew Literal

and he is seeing the Gathered People for Drawn Out ("Moses") from out the Mount the Gathered People upon Inner Light ("Aaron") and they are speaking toward himself he has made to ourselves mighty ones whom/straightly for this one Drawn Out ("Moses") the Man whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege not what/how he has become to himself
and he is saying toward themselves Inner Light ("Aaron") whom/straightly in the hand in the hand toward myself
all/every the Gathered People את-self eternal whom/straightly in the hand toward Inner Light ("Aaron")
and he is taking his eternal self and they are speaking goddess gods of yourself God Straightened whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege
and he is seeing Inner Light ("Aaron") place of slaughter/sacrifice and he is summoning Inner Light ("Aaron") and he is saying to He is tomorrow
and they are climbing up and he is sitting the Gathered People
and he is ordering words He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") to yourself for whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege
from out whom/straightly they have made to themselves to himself to himself and they are speaking goddess gods of yourself God Straightened whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal the Gathered People this one and behold! Gathered People hard/severe Himself
to myself and he is kindling
Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal faces He Is upon and he is saying why He Is in the hand whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege in power
why of Dual-Siege to say in an evil one their eternal selves upon faces the Ground of Adam upon
to Father of Multitude to He Laughs whom/straightly to themselves toward themselves את-self eternal the Dual-Heavenly ones and the whole the Earth this one whom/straightly has spoken
He Is upon whom/straightly he has ordered-words to make
Drawn Out ("Moses") from out the Mount in the hand themeselves
mighty ones themselves mighty ones Himself upon the Tablets
and he is hearing He is Salvation את-self eternal voice the Gathered People in an evil one and he is saying toward Drawn Out ("Moses") voice war in the Camping Place
and he is saying there is not voice and there is not voice voice my own self he has heard
and he is becoming as when he has drawn near toward the Camp and he is seeing את-self eternal The Round one and whirling ones and he is kindling yea/a nostril/anger Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is throwing from the hand of himself את-self eternal the Tablets and he is breaking in pieces their eternal selves below the Mount
and he is taking את-self eternal The Round one whom/straightly they have made and he is burning within fire and he is grinding until/testimony whom/straightly he was crushed finely and he scattered/sprinkled upon faces the Dual Water and he is kissing את-self eternal sons/my son God Straightened
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward Inner Light ("Aaron") what/how he has made to yourself the Gathered People this one for upon himself
and he is saying Inner Light ("Aaron") do not yea/a nostril/anger masters your eternal self את-self eternal the Gathered People for by an evil Himself
and they are speaking to myself he has made to ourselves mighty ones whom/straightly for this one Drawn Out ("Moses") the Man whom/straightly from the earth of Dual-Siege not what/how he has become to himself
and he said to themselves gold to myself within fire and he is going out The Round one this one
and he is seeing Drawn Out ("Moses") את-self eternal the Gathered People for Himself for Inner Light ("Aaron") in the hand
And he is standing firm Drawn Out ("Moses") in the hand the Camp and he is saying who to He is toward myself toward himself all/every sons/my son
and he is saying to themselves thus he has said He Is mighty ones God Straightened a man upon in the Camping Place a man את-self eternal his brothers את-self eternal את-self eternal
sons/my son Drawn Out ("Moses") and he is falling from out the Gathered People within the Day a man
and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") have become filled The Day to He is for a man The Day in the hand
and he is becoming and he is saying Drawn Out ("Moses") toward the Gathered People their eternal selves and
toward He Is away from
and he is sitting Drawn Out ("Moses") toward He Is and he is saying he has missed the Gathered People this one to themselves mighty ones gold
if she/yourself is lifting up and if there is not pray whom/straightly
and he is saying He Is toward Drawn Out ("Moses") who whom/straightly he has missed to myself
to yourself את-self eternal the Gathered People god whom/straightly I have ordered words to yourself Behold My-Messenger upon themselves
He Is את-self eternal the Gathered People upon whom/straightly they have made את-self eternal The Round one whom/straightly he has made