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Exodus 24:1

And toward Drawn Out ("Moses") he said, "Ascend toward He Is your eternal self, and Inner Light ("Aaron"), Volunteer ("Nadab"), My Father is Himself ("Abihu"), and seventy from the aged men of God Straightened, and you all have bowed to yourselves from a remote time/place.1


Exo. 24:1

The Hebrew "והשתחויתם" (ve-hishtachavitem) corresponds to the Hithpael sequential perfect second person masculine plural form of the verb "לְהִשְׁתַּחֲוֹת" (lehishtachavot), which means "to bow to oneself" or "to worship oneself."

In this form:

  • "ו" (ve) means "and."
  • "השתחוי" (hishtachavi) is the Hithpael sequential perfect second person masculine plural form of "לְהִשְׁתַּחֲוֹת" (lehishtachavot), indicating a reflexive action where the subject performs the action upon themselves.
  • "תם" (tem) is the suffix indicating second person masculine plural (you all).